Monthly Archives: November 2018

Deadly Narrative

What’s that old saying again?  A picture’s worth a thousand words?

Well…The Trump haters THOUGHT they had that little crown jewel image a few months ago…kids who were dragged across the border illegally by irresponsible parents at best…smuggled by coyotes at worst…sitting in some sort of fenced in cage-like apparatus.

Twitter erupted like Mount Vesuvius.


Except…ummm…yeah…that pic was from 2014…during the God awful Obama years.


To quote Gilda Radner’s alter ego, Emily Litella…NEVER MIND. Continue reading

Election Epilogue

Finally…and quite mercifully…the election in The Sunshine State has ended with the EXACT SAME friggin’ result that we had on election night.  Shocker.  That, despite the best efforts of a gaggle of shady Leftist Democrat election lawyers who crawled out from underneath their respective rocks residing somewhere deep in the bowels of Clinton World.  A string of lawsuits longer than the faces at Hillary’s win party, attempting to snatch the rightful victories from Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis, by changing Florida election laws on the fly…and AFTER the buzzer.

Nice try. Continue reading

Marathon Midterm Madness

You know, I live in Florida.  And I have to say, Florida gets a REALLY bad rap when it comes to elections.  No, seriously.  The vast, vast majority of counties, like 65 of 67 in this latest midterm election, have no problem counting friggin’ votes.  Even a bunch of counties up in the big bend and panhandle areas that just got their asses kicked by a monster hurricane a few weeks ago bounced back like champs and were actually able to…ya know…FOLLOW ALL THE ELECTION LAWS.

But not the numb nuts down in Broward county, and its evil step-sister, Palm Beach county…who once again shit the bed…or voting booth, in this case.  These two usual suspects  “FOUND” like 93,000 votes AFTER election night?  What is this, f*cking Uganda?  The incompetence of these Bozos…with apologies to The Clown…is only exceeded by their corruption.  Continue reading

Midterm Musings

It was the big blue “wave” that dribbled like a leg-wetting Lib sporting over saturated Depends. The predicted Category 5 that meekly rolled in as an angry sun shower.  The BIG guns swarmed…Obama…Hillary…Oprah…Beyoncé…Taylor.  Zillions of dollars handed over to the most progressive candidates by Lib billionaires like monopoly money.  All for naught.   How pathetic.  And nobody to blame but themselves.

Oh sure, the Dems took back the House…no small thing, mind you.  Credit where credit is due.  But…given the headwinds of history against the GOP in terms of new presidents losing an average of ~30 House seats in their first midterm…they got a few more than that, and only needed 23.

But nowhere NEAR the red wave of 63 House seats gained by the GOP in 2010 after Barry shoved that Obamacare junk in our trunk. Continue reading

The Devil Made Me Do it

Jesus, what a week.  Fake mail bombs.  Mass shooting.  I’m more out of breath than when that obese oaf Michael Moore takes laps around the Golden Corral dessert table.  And in each of these major stories, the Destroy Trump Media Frauds have yet again proven they remain fully unacquainted with ANYTHING resembling professional integrity.

Objective, reasoned, and fair purveyors of news?  How passé.  Massively blatant traffickers of…not simply good old-fashioned “liberally biased” reporting…but pure, 100%, unadulterated advocacy of Left Wing dogma, and Trump-hating vitriol?

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