Caravans, Cankles, and Crackpots

Being a life long fan of the oft hapless New York Mets, I am TOO well aware of the painful dynamic of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  And in that vain, I am feeling a wee bit simpatico with the Democrats right now…and yes…that thought DID make me throw up in my mouth just a smidge.

Anyway, all we’ve been hearing for months is how the Dems are going to hang ten off of this big, blue, beautiful wave and destroy the GOP in the midterm elections.  History, of course, says that the Dems SHOULD in fact do quite swimmingly in the midterms, as the party NOT occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave does about 95% of the time.

Conventional wisdom?  The GOP…defending WAY less seats than the Dems in the Senate…holds the majority, likely adds a seat or two, and loses the majority in the House by a fairly slim margin.  Unfortunately for the Libs, “conventional wisdom” is about as useful as tub-o-lard Michael Moore anchoring your relay team.  The only thing that rotund radical’s gonna anchor is the Queen Mary 2.

Just ask the failing NY Times, who had their own “Dewey Defeats Truman” moment in 2016, bestowing upon The Pantsuit Princess an 85% chance of winning on Election Day.


So, as many things in life seem to always come in three’s…ya know, like famous people passing away, the number of leather restraints needed to strap Nancy Pelosi onto a psych ward gurney…there similarly are three things I see that just might send the Dems into the midterm hell they so richly deserve.

The first is this cockamamie caravan of thousands and thousands of Central Americans, trampsing through Mexico, headed to the good old U.S. of A.  Even the open border freaks on the Left are going…”JESUS, REALLY!?  NOW YOU’RE DOING THIS!?”

Welcome to Optics Hell, Libs.

It doesn’t take a friggin’ PhD in Political Science to figure out that Trump won in 2016 largely on the illegal immigration issue.  And NOW you have this daily visual of a mob of thousands fully prepared to storm the U.S. border like the blue hairs down in Boca storm their favorite early bird at 4:30 sharp.

As if the GOP base wasn’t pissed off and motivated enough by the Kavanaugh lynching.  I mean, from a midterm election standpoint, the timing of this is epic.

Almost like Trump planned it.


Secondly…and I hope you’re laying down for this…is the recent speculation that Hillary…cankles and all…might ACTUALLY be scheming to make a THIRD run for the White House.  Wait, what? Trump/Hillary 2?  That would make Ali/Frazier 2 look like a couple of Girl Scouts having a pillow fight.

Hey, stranger things have happened.  Hill and Bill are about to embark on a major speaking tour…dubbed by yours truly as The Molester and Polyester Tour…clearly in a pathetic attempt to claw back to some semblance of relevancy.

Trust me…the GOP is licking its collective chops at the mere prospect of this ACTUALLY happening.

But don’t blame my girl Hillary…I mean, have you SEEN the collection of has-beens, retreads, and/or Socialists presumably slated to fight it out in 2020 for the Dems?  No wonder she’s wetting her granny panties at the mere thought.

Completing the trifecta is an item that has strangely morphed into a unique new weight loss program for Republicans.  Every time some high level GOP’er attempts to sit down for a meal in their favorite restaurant, some liberal mob chases them away.  It’s the latest diet fad…wear a t-shirt that says “I am a Republican”…and ONLY eat out.

The pounds will melt away!

Just the other day…for like the millionth time…Mitch McConnell was in a restaurant, and some Nutbag Leftist Crank started banging his fist on Mitch’s table, screaming at him and his wife, and…get this…THREW.  HIS.  DOGGIE.  BAG.  OUT.  THE.  DOOR.

Mitch was heard lamenting…”Well shit, there goes tomorrow’s lunch.  Thanks asshole.”

Bigger point, of course is the political gold that is the endless, unhinged ravings of the Lunatic Liberal Mob.  Let me go out on a limb here and declare right now that Americans, as a general rule, aren’t really down with rewarding horrible, violent, asinine behavior.

Particularly at the ballot box.

Thank God for cellphone cameras.  I say that, of course, until one catches me behaving badly.

To quote The Donald…”We’ll see what happens.”  He may not be on the ballot, but make no mistake…this midterm election is a referendum on Trump.

And if you haven’t noticed, winning is his crack pipe.

Bet against him at your own risk.

1 thought on “Caravans, Cankles, and Crackpots

  1. Taco Pepper

    You may well be very right. I think the Dems are making a big mistake not shining a bright light on the absolute disaster Trump and GOP have created in managing the national budget. In two years we have gone from a $585B deficit to $665B to $779B, with FY19 likely to exceed $1T. Tax cuts without spending cuts are illogical, irresponsible and unsustainable, but most Trump fans are too short-sighted and self-centered that they just don’t care about that as long as they pay less taxes and buy more weapons.

    And what’s warming up in the bullpen? Even more tax cuts. Political crack to the masses, smoke away.


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