The Kanye Conundrum

Donald Trump may or may not go down as one of our great Presidents…we would all do well to let the historians duke THAT one out.  Although I like his chances.  But I AM damn sure about one thing…and that is that Donald J. Trump IS the most entertaining President in history.  Yeah? So?  Well…for wisecracking, middle-aged juveniles like me who absolutely live for things like “That’s what SHE said” moments…particularly at completely inappropriate times…that is pure gold.

Anyone dare disagree?  Really?  Ever see a Trump rally on TV?  More like open-mike night at The Improv.  Hilarious.  Oh, his style of entertainment may not be your cup of tea…and if that’s the case, I can only quote Sgt. Hulka in the movie Stripes…“LIGHTEN-UP, FRANCIS!”  The latest evidence in that regard, of course, is Kanye West’s visit to the Oval Office for lunch last week with The Donald…along with legendary running back Jim Brown, whose impersonation of a potted plant was spot on.

But behind the madness and apparent superficiality of it all…the stream of consciousness riffing, a few bleeped out F-bombs, and to be fair…even quite a few substantive nuggets along the way…there is some really interesting political analysis lurking beneath the surface.  I mean, did you SEE the reaction of the Left…particularly the Lib media talking heads…to this little Soirée of Super-Showmen?

They completely lost their shit, as it were…what else is new.

Here’s just a flavor of their pathetic blathering excrement, summarized by Michael Goodwin of the NY Post…”A black anchor on CNN accused West of putting on a “minstrel show,” a black pundit on the same panel called him an “attention whore” and “the token Negro of the Trump administration.”  Another chipped in with, “Kanye West is what happens when Negroes don’t read.”  A black New York Times columnist said the White House scene was “white supremacy by ventriloquism” and a white MSNBC anchor called it “an assault on our White House.”

And these nutbag bottom-feeding crackpots are questioning KANYE’S mental stability?  Are you kidding me??  Joke of the millenium.

To say this simply struck a nerve is like saying Michael Moore’s body mass index is just a smidge north of ideal.  First obvious point to get out of the way is the screaming double standard.  If a conservative or anyone on Fox News said ANY of those vile things…or uttered the word “Negro” in ANY context…their career would be over faster than Maxine Waters soils her support hose at the thought of impeachment.

But why the tsunami of leg-wetting?  What are you afraid of, Libtards?  Huh?  You used to kiss Kanye’s ass.  I mean, he was the darling of the Left back in 2005 in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, when he said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people.”

OK…What do we see EVERY friggin’ day in this country when the Liberal mob feels threatened by someone?  Like Godzilla doing the Texas Two-Step around Tokyo…THEY DESTROY.  They CERTAINLY can’t debate.  The politicians…the media…The Hollywood pukes…ALL spew vile attacks and smears…with a pinch of harassment and a dash of physical violence thrown in for good measure.

Just ask Brett Kavanaugh…who, according to Senate Democrats, majored in Law and minored in Gang Rape at Yale.

Kanye West’s advocacy for, and friendship with, Donald Trump, is the complete antithesis of what the Left expects…no…REQUIRES…from minorities.  You can be the most scholarly, thoughtful, and congenial black person…hispanic…woman…on the planet, AND IF YOU DARE WANDER OFF THE LIBERAL PLANTATION TO THINK INDEPENDENTLY POLITICALLY…IDEOLOGICALLY…YOU.  WILL.  BE.  DESTROYED.

Shackles and lynching…2018 style!

Ben Carson is a guy who knows all too well of what I speak…

This man should be revered by every single American…ESPECIALLY the black community.  Grew up in a violent, crime-ridden inner-city, rose to become a world-renowned neurosurgeon, run for President, and appointed as a member of the Cabinet.  And a sweet, gentle man to boot.  Yet, the fake diversity mongers of the Left have attacked and ridiculed him ad nauseam from the very goddamn moment he waded into the political muck, SOLELY BECAUSE HE IS A CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN AND…EVEN WORSE…IS ASSOCIATED WITH TRUMP!


So much for the content of one’s character, eh Libs?  Trust me…crapping daily on the legacy of the great Martin Luther King Jr. ain’t a good look.

Put quite simply, Kanye breaking bread with The Donald scares the living bejeesus out of the snowflake Libs.  Don’t misinterpret…Blacks won’t be falling all over themselves to pull the lever for Republicans.  But here’s the poop…Trump got 8% of the black vote in 2016 (Romney only got 6% in 2012).  But his approval numbers among African-Americans are in the mid-teens.  Not earth-shattering, but if Trump in 2020 doubles what he got in 2016 in terms of the black vote, the Dems are screwed.  And a similar dynamic is happening with Hispanics.

The Leftist message is as clear as Nancy Pelosi’s constant slurring…Stay in your racial, ethnic, and gender box, and VOTE HOW THE HELL YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO VOTE.  If you don’t, you’ll be screwed worse than a two-bit hooker during Fleet Week.

It’s ideological bigotry.  And mark my words…REAL Americans won’t put up with it any longer.

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