The Liberal Dead

I’ve REALLY got to hand it to these Loony Libs.  Every time I think they MUST have reached the outer limits of their hysterical, unhinged behavior…they prove me wrong.  Every friggin’ time.  WELL DONE!  I guess in the pathetic universe of victimhood in which they reside, they strangely call that over-achieving.  Whatever.  Hey, I’m no Pollyanna.  I mean, after Judge Kavanaugh FINALLY got confirmed by the Senate to sit on the highest court in the land, I never thought for a New York minute that these Libtards were just going to skip back to the closest safe space and re-immerse themselves in coloring books, Easy Bake Ovens, and soft cuddly teddy bears…sippy cups firmly in tow.

Even if you’ve never had the pleasure of binge-watching the zombie-fest that is The Walking Dead, you certainly get the reference.  So, as Judge…no…JUSTICE Kavanaugh, was being sworn in at the Supreme Court last Saturday, throngs of psychotic, nutcake, Lefty “protesters”…likely paid agitators…sans ACTUAL intestines dragging on the ground and missing limbs like REAL zombies…screamed…banged on…and actually clawed at…the doors of the Supreme Court.


Mull that over in your noggin for a moment or two for full effect.

So…when I saw the video, the VERY first thought that raced through my coconut was THE LIBERAL DEAD!  A term that fits even better than Michael Moore’s size XXXXXL britches.  If you’ve ever seen The Walking Dead, you can surely relate.  This behavior further proves that using the words “sanity” and “liberal” in the same sentence should be done with GREAT caution…and MAYBE even a safety net worthy of the Flying Wallendas.

Unfortunately, my very NEXT thought was that this whole sleazy episode has NOT simply…and mercifully…reached an end with the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh.


Not only is that NOT happening, but the Kavanaugh confirmation has lit a Hindenburg-like blazing inferno under these crazies that would give every arsonist on the planet a big woody. Even the Dems in Congress won’t let go, threatening to keep investigating Kavanaugh’s teenage years for the purpose of impeaching him and throwing him off the High Court if they take the House…a completely symbolic move, by the way, to gin up the leftist lunatic mob, as it would never pass the Senate.

Yep.  Believe it or not.  Call Ripley’s.

Moronic, evil, soulless bastards.  Too strong?  Hardly.  That’s me holding back.

What…some Barney Fife investigator is going to uncover the REAL juicy stuff…like young Brett copped a feel on Prom Night in an ‘82 Camaro?

Copped a feel?  I can’t believe I just said that.

So…is that second base?  It’s been so long, I don’t remember.

But I digress.

Fear not, though.  Remember in Animal House when Dean Wormer, of fictional Faber College, of course, said to Flounder…“Fat, drunk and stupid is now way to go through life, son.”  If he were talking to today’s Democrat Party, it would be…“Crazy, stupid, and violent is no way to win an election, dumbass.”

Oh, sure…the Libs in Manhattan and Malibu eat up the abhorrent, unhinged, and violent behavior of the Left Wing Mob.  Ya know…ruining Kavanaugh’s life for cheap political gain, beating up people in red hats, chasing Cabinet members and their families out of restaurants, crapping on concepts like “innocent until proven guilty” and “due process.”

And on and on.

But the large swaths of Red America that elected Trump are quietly taking notice.  Bet on it.  The sleeping giants have awoken.  And they’re pissed.  Like every chair that Michael Moore ever sat in shrieked…ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  And trust me…they WILL NOT reward these psychotic leftist crackpots at the ballot box.

Midterm Blue Wave?  Sure.

The only wave these Libs will experience will be the gushing flow in their Depends when they wonder what the hell happened on election night…like the wailing losers crying into their Chardonnays and shrimp cocktails at that hotel ballroom in NYC that was SUPPOSED to be a Crooked Hillary win party, but quickly turned into a political wake once The Donald did the impossible.

At least that’s what the fake news media pukes told us.

The Dem’s only real shot in 2020, of course, is if they move appreciably to the middle, ideologically speaking.  BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  Chances of that happening are as good as Maxine Waters showing any discernible activity on her latest brain scan.  On the contrary…the goons of groupthink are laughably quadrupling down on their disgusting, putrid behavior…and loving embrace of Socialism.

They CAN’T be THAT stupid.  Oh, wait…


1 thought on “The Liberal Dead

  1. Taco Pepper

    You are very right. The GOP is very angry at liberals, and Democrats are very angry at conservatives. As I sit here within walking distance of the Lincoln Memorial, we once had a President who had to try to heal our nation after we actually went to war over our differences. Upon the Union’s victory, President Lincoln knew that to bring our nation together, we could not be punitive in our embrace of the South. Imagine if we had that today, a President who actually attempted to reach out and work with his opponents instead of mocking them like a middle-schooler on Twitter or at his partisan rallies.

    You are very right, there has never been such political anger in this country, at least not since the pain of the Vietnam War. And there is no single person more responsible for this mess than Donald J. Trump.


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