Ralphing!  And Farting!  And Drinking!  Oh My!

DAMMIT!  I’m hearing those little voices in my head again!  This time, President Reagan…The Gipper…whispering, “Well…there you go again.”  That damn wishful thinking.  At the end of last week’s post, I floated a preview for this week, presumably “The Conclusion” of this farcical Lib shit show masquerading as a Senate hearing to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court…who, by the way, is on pins and needles as to when some Loco Lib investigator will discover the time he dunked little Sally’s pigtails in the inkwell in the 2nd grade.


GOP Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana said it best in a tweet…“In my opinion, this has been an intergalactic freak show.  As far as I’m concerned, Congress has hit rock bottom and started to dig.”  Love this dude…colorful,  blunt, no BS…reminds me of someone I know quite intimately.

Could I possibly have any relatives in Louisiana???  Hmmm…

So let me get this straight…After the sworn testimony of Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, Trump-hating GOP Senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake, one of the three Nervous Nellie Republicans who were on the fence…Susan Collins (Maine) & Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), the others…came out and finally pledged his vote.  Once he fell in line, this whole thing seemed like a lock. 

Three nanoseconds later, a couple of Left Wing nutbag activists ambush Flake on an elevator and start screaming bloody murder.  Then, the Senate Dems on the Committee corner him in a small meeting room and give him an atomic wedgie…or something…and PRESTO!  He pulls his yes vote UNLESS THEY DELAY ANOTHER WEEK FOR MORE FBI INVESTIGATION.

Like P.T Barnum said…There’s a sucker born every minute.  

Hey, I’m no tough Clint Eastwood type, but this flake Flake has the backbone of a wet strand of hot fettuccine.  When I was growing up, I recall the technical term being “wuss.”

This is tantamount to blathering your social security number out loud to some phone scammer. What part of “THIS IS ABOUT DELAY AND NOTHING ELSE” does Flake not understand, for shit’s sake???

The Freak Show headliner was clearly Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, who channeled his inner Dorothy, of “LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS, OH MY!” fame.  Sans Toto.  Wackjob Whitey grilled Kavanaugh about silly passages from his high school yearbook that referred to slang terms concerning barfing, farting, and various other bodily functions that 16 year olds…and some…ahem…rather immature middle-aged folks…find hilarious.

Speaks for itself, does it not?  Or…Res Ipsa Loquitur for you Latin scholars out there.

But that’s ok…I mean, these nonsensical subjects are indisputably critical kitchen table issues for EVERY AMERICAN.  Particularly ones that regularly binge on Jack Daniels and bean burritos.

To call this piece of shit Whitehouse a clown is a massive insult to Bozo.

Let’s play connect the dots…Every Trump Hater regardless of party has wet dreams about defeating or destroying Trump, the good of the country be damned.  Proven on a daily basis.  Remember John McCain, singularly killing the Obamacare repeal legislation at 2am after promising his yes vote?  A big FU to Trump.  Maybe Flake, who is ALSO leaving the Senate, is doing the same damn thing.


In fact, he just admitted on 60 Minutes that if he were running for re-election, there’s no way in Hell he could…or would…have done this.

A stunning…and shameful…admission.

So much for conviction.  Between this and his nonexistent backbone, he truly earns his nickname…Flaccid Flake.

My deepest sympathies to Mrs. Flake…but I digress.

Bending over on this sham for another week is like hiring a known child molester to coach your kid’s little league team…I mean, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

Remember…Senator Feinstein had Ford’s allegation more than two months ago, and held it to blind side and delay.  Her excuse that Dr. Ford wanted anonymity as to why she didn’t divulge this information earlier is complete and utter bullshit.  The Senate conducts whistleblower type investigations all the time cloaked in anonymity, and have strict procedures in that regard.  Anyone that doesn’t acknowledge those truths really needs to STFU as far as I’m concerned, and stop lying.

The #MeToo mob is effectively forcing everyone on the planet to fall all over themselves to say how convincing Dr. Ford was in her testimony.  Spare me.  Sure, she very likely believes what she’s saying.  Maybe something happened to her 36 friggin’ years ago.  Maybe not.  I don’t know.  And neither do you.  I do know one thing…there are more holes in her story than in a swiss cheese factory.

Inconsistency after inconsistency, even with recent events.  She can’t remember things from three weeks ago, much less 36 years.  Details kept changing.  Indisputable lies about being afraid to fly….turns out she’s a world traveler…oops.  Didn’t know about the multiple offers for Senate investigators to travel to HER in California for her testimony?  Unfathomable.  Precisely ZERO corroboration from anyone she said was THERE.

And more coming out EVERY DAY.

But she IS a victim to the extent she’s being politically raped by her liberal activist lawyers, Senate Democrats, and the media.

Still…We’re to believe Choir Boy Kavanaugh, a 12 year Federal Judge with a spotless multi-decade record…is a drunken gang rapist?


Like the All-You-Can-Eat joints that suffer through Lard Ass Michael Moore’s patronage constantly lament…”JESUS, JUST MAKE IT STOP.”

Let me go back to the well one more time to the aforementioned GOP Senator John Kennedy (AKA, My New Hero), who so aptly stated…“If you think this is about searching for the truth, you ought to put down the bong.”

From a sitting Senator.  Priceless.

And if you’ll indulge me for one last thing that’s been sticking in my craw…all this pathetic wailing about payback for Merrick Garland makes me want to heave.  Yes…Garland was the victim of old-fashioned political hard ball…the way it USED to be played.  And in the end…HE. DIDN’T. GET. A. JOB.


He also didn’t get his life, reputation, and family destroyed by a gaggle of evil, immoral, gutless, and soulless Libtards posing as Senators.





3 thoughts on “Ralphing!  And Farting!  And Drinking!  Oh My!

  1. Taco Pepper

    As usual, the worst actor in all of this, BY FAR, is your President who tells yet another lie that he finds the witness credible, and then mocks her the next day as a part of his ongoing stand-up routine to a building full of his diehard supporters. Think about that, we have a President who has BRAGGED about sexually assaulting women publicly demeaning a witness who has absolutely nothing to gain from having her story upheld. As a bonus package, he takes another insulting cheap shot at a reporter and publicly insults her for “never thinking” even though all she did was ask a very fair question about this critical national issue.

    Is Judge Kavanaugh a qualified Supreme Court Justice? It certainly appears so. Does Ms. Ford appear to be a credible witness? Most would say yes.

    Do you know who isn’t qualified or credible in any way? The same disgusting pig of a human being that most of you who read this inexplicably think is qualified to lead a nation that is much greater than he is or ever will be.

    I do love that you used the term “the good of the country be damned.” I will remind you that more people voted against this guy than voted for him, and we should get a pretty good read in about four weeks about how “good” America feels he really is for the present and future state of our country.

    1. Jerry Horvath

      The fallacy in Taco Pepper’s thinking is founded on the assumption that Presidents are elected based on their character. They are not. They are elected solely based on their position on the issues. Proof-in-Point: I will bet Taco Pepper voted more than once for a rapist and his enabler.

  2. Taco Pepper

    Please identify which rapist and enabler you are speaking about so we can clarify that point. Just to help you out, I am a 51 year old registered Republican and have been since I turned 18.

    Looking forward to your clarification.



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