Daily Archives: October 3, 2018

Ralphing!  And Farting!  And Drinking!  Oh My!

DAMMIT!  I’m hearing those little voices in my head again!  This time, President Reagan…The Gipper…whispering, “Well…there you go again.”  That damn wishful thinking.  At the end of last week’s post, I floated a preview for this week, presumably “The Conclusion” of this farcical Lib shit show masquerading as a Senate hearing to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court…who, by the way, is on pins and needles as to when some Loco Lib investigator will discover the time he dunked little Sally’s pigtails in the inkwell in the 2nd grade.


GOP Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana said it best in a tweet…“In my opinion, this has been an intergalactic freak show.  As far as I’m concerned, Congress has hit rock bottom and started to dig.”  Love this dude…colorful,  blunt, no BS…reminds me of someone I know quite intimately.

Could I possibly have any relatives in Louisiana???  Hmmm… Continue reading