Monthly Archives: October 2018

Caravans, Cankles, and Crackpots

Being a life long fan of the oft hapless New York Mets, I am TOO well aware of the painful dynamic of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  And in that vain, I am feeling a wee bit simpatico with the Democrats right now…and yes…that thought DID make me throw up in my mouth just a smidge.

Anyway, all we’ve been hearing for months is how the Dems are going to hang ten off of this big, blue, beautiful wave and destroy the GOP in the midterm elections.  History, of course, says that the Dems SHOULD in fact do quite swimmingly in the midterms, as the party NOT occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Ave does about 95% of the time. Continue reading

The Kanye Conundrum

Donald Trump may or may not go down as one of our great Presidents…we would all do well to let the historians duke THAT one out.  Although I like his chances.  But I AM damn sure about one thing…and that is that Donald J. Trump IS the most entertaining President in history.  Yeah? So?  Well…for wisecracking, middle-aged juveniles like me who absolutely live for things like “That’s what SHE said” moments…particularly at completely inappropriate times…that is pure gold.

Anyone dare disagree?  Really?  Ever see a Trump rally on TV?  More like open-mike night at The Improv.  Hilarious.  Oh, his style of entertainment may not be your cup of tea…and if that’s the case, I can only quote Sgt. Hulka in the movie Stripes…“LIGHTEN-UP, FRANCIS!”  The latest evidence in that regard, of course, is Kanye West’s visit to the Oval Office for lunch last week with The Donald…along with legendary running back Jim Brown, whose impersonation of a potted plant was spot on. Continue reading

The Liberal Dead

I’ve REALLY got to hand it to these Loony Libs.  Every time I think they MUST have reached the outer limits of their hysterical, unhinged behavior…they prove me wrong.  Every friggin’ time.  WELL DONE!  I guess in the pathetic universe of victimhood in which they reside, they strangely call that over-achieving.  Whatever.  Hey, I’m no Pollyanna.  I mean, after Judge Kavanaugh FINALLY got confirmed by the Senate to sit on the highest court in the land, I never thought for a New York minute that these Libtards were just going to skip back to the closest safe space and re-immerse themselves in coloring books, Easy Bake Ovens, and soft cuddly teddy bears…sippy cups firmly in tow. Continue reading

Ralphing!  And Farting!  And Drinking!  Oh My!

DAMMIT!  I’m hearing those little voices in my head again!  This time, President Reagan…The Gipper…whispering, “Well…there you go again.”  That damn wishful thinking.  At the end of last week’s post, I floated a preview for this week, presumably “The Conclusion” of this farcical Lib shit show masquerading as a Senate hearing to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court…who, by the way, is on pins and needles as to when some Loco Lib investigator will discover the time he dunked little Sally’s pigtails in the inkwell in the 2nd grade.


GOP Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana said it best in a tweet…“In my opinion, this has been an intergalactic freak show.  As far as I’m concerned, Congress has hit rock bottom and started to dig.”  Love this dude…colorful,  blunt, no BS…reminds me of someone I know quite intimately.

Could I possibly have any relatives in Louisiana???  Hmmm… Continue reading