Fake #MeToo

Sometimes my wishful thinking and occasional naiveté gets the better of me.  After the embarrassing, blatantly dishonest, and hysterical behavior of the Socialist Dems at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearing a couple of weeks ago (see my post titled Confirmation Clusterf*ck), I ACTUALLY thought these disgusting Dems would relent and just let the vote happen.  Like petulant little crybaby infants FINALLY wailing themselves to sleep.  STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!  What in Sam Hell was I thinking?  Like fat ass Michael Moore stampeding to the mac & cheese trough at the Golden Coral…I should have seen it coming like a freight train.

Ever see during hurricane season, where your local meteorologist shows the line of tropical depressions forming off the southern tip of Africa that may or may not turn into full-fledged hurricanes?  All lined up like inebriated Packer fans at the halftime beer line at Lambeau.  This is the image you need to imprint in your brain, as the Dems…far, and quite purposely, AFTER the conclusion of Senate Confirmation Hearings…trot out #MeToo allegation after #MeToo allegation…way back from the previous century.  High school and college drunken parties? Really?  Is THAT gonna be the new standard?

Jesus,  I could tell you stories that would make your toes curl…but can’t we all?

So let me get this straight…we’re to disregard the exemplary, highly accomplished and blemish free adult and professional life of this Boy Scout…Kavanaugh…who had already undergone no less that SIX GODDAMN FBI BACKGROUND CHECKS IN THE PAST 25 YEARS!   Do I have that right?  And in context of the blatant, dishonest, and disgustingly political and self-serving efforts by the Senate Dems and entire Resistance Movement (sorry for that redundancy) to stop this nomination BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY?

Sorry #MeToo mavens…but how f*cking naive are we expected to be?  Why is any of this bullshit even relevant?  I’m not necessarily accusing these women of lying…they may fully believe what they’re saying, 35-year-old drunken high school memories notwithstanding…but c’mon…this is nothing but a sleazy and contemptible #MeToo battering-ram wielded by the smear merchants of the Left.

The ruthless psychopaths of the Democrat party have conspired with the rest of the Soros funded Resistance, creating this whole coordinated and contrived effort to hurl crap filled diapers against the wall to see what sticks at the eleventh hour…AFTER THE WHOLE FRIGGIN’ PROCESS WAS COMPLETE!

We can all see the disgustingly obvious scheme…line up a whole cadre of #MeToo type allegations…don’t tell a soul on the GOP side of the Committee…then roll them out after the fact for max effect.  Like every comedian on the planet knows…timing is everything.  Sadly, destroying lives for political gain ain’t a goddamn joke.


They know damn well that today in America, ANY #MeToo allegation…no matter how flimsy or ancient…causes people to totally lose their sanity and objectiveness.  THE WOMAN MUST BE BELIEVED, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!  Presumption of innocence?  POPPYCOCK!  No corroboration?  NO PROBLEM!  What F’ing country are we living in?  The mere allegation is life-destroying for the accused…truth be damned.  In this case,  both women have admitted to gaps in their memories bigger than in Michael Strahan’s front teeth, and other individuals said to have been present at those alleged incidents have all denied any knowledge…UNDER OATH.

This, from the Washington Times…“Debra Katz, the attorney representing Kavanaugh’s accuser — Christine Blasey Ford — is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, an organization that has been directly funded by (George) Soros’ Open Society Foundation.  Katz is also a hefty Democratic donor, giving thousands of dollars over the years to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other leftist candidates.”

And this tweet from Trump-Hating NY Times reporter Peter Baker…“The Times interviewed dozens to corroborate 2nd allegation against Kavanaugh and could find no one with firsthand knowledge. Ramirez told ex-classmates she couldn’t be certain Kavanaugh was the one who exposed himself.”

Come again?  Even the Trump Hating Fake News NY Times wouldn’t touch this story with a ten foot pole?


So, what’s next?  Kavanaugh’s mother caught him…um…pleasuring himself to an old, tattered picture of Farrah Fawcett when he was 13??   HE EXPOSED HIMSELF TO A WOMAN!!!  A two-year-old Brett hurled a fistful of Cheerios at mommy from his high chair?  VIOLENCE TOWARDS WOMEN!!!



Don’t be a gullible moronic sap.  Trust me…it ain’t a good look.  And don’t fall…yet again…for the Democrats playing make-believe and pretending to care about ANYTHING except their own Leftist political motives.  They don’t give a rat’s ass about these women, illegal immigrants…or any other person or group they overtly and callously exploit to achieve political goals and social change.  PERIOD.

Trump just called this a CON JOB.  He’s right, of course.  Political Three-card-Monte at its finest.

For the Libs, this is about abortion.  This is about Merrick Garland.  This is about the midterms. This is about Trump Derangement Syndrome.  This is about undoing elections.  This is about Resistance.  This is about weaponizing #MeToo for political gain.  This is about destroying lives.

Harvey Weinstein.  Bill Cosby.  Matt Lauer……Brett Kavanaugh?


And this weekend, I’m jetting off to the Seychelles with Ivanka for a romantic getaway.

NEXT WEEK – The Conclusion.



1 thought on “Fake #MeToo

  1. Taco Pepper

    Simple question: Was the refusal to grant Merrick Garland a vote politically motivated? A simple yes or no will do. I’m sure politically motivated malfeasance bothers you equally no matter which side of the aisle it comes from. I will need to go back and read your blog in 2016 to confirm, but I assume you were just as exasperated then.


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