Bizarro World

First it was Loser Hillary…emerging from the woods behind her Chappaqua, NY refuge, the usual lipstick smeared glass of chardonnay in tow.  Then, The Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama, so generously decides to grace the little people with his presence by also entering the midterm fray.  Two Democrat heavyweights…both literally AND figuratively, in Hillary’s case.  For his part, Obama’s coming out party consisted of one of his trademark self-aggrandizing orations…and his ever so familiar knack for cavalierly revising history.  Reminded me of that old show Fantasy Island.  I half expected that annoying little midget Tatoo to jump out from backstage, screaming, “Da Plane! Da Plane! 

Dating myself again with these old 70’s TV references.  Just be glad I don’t go back further than that, because sadly, I could…

Obama, all pent-up like a strapping young sailor out at sea for six months with a bunch of dudes, showered the adoring lemmings out in the land of groupthink with his typical condescension, arrogance, and moral superiority, dripping more violently than ever…like the seventh triple scoop chocolate swirl Michael Moore lapped-up in the scorching sun at his latest anti-Trump protest. 

And since I seem to involuntary relate everything in daily life to Seinfeld…I give you the “Bizarro World” episode…where everything is opposite.  Michael Moore is svelte…Nancy Pelosi is brilliant…Maxine Waters is Condi Rice.  That sort of thing.

So in that vain, what first hit me was the apparent belief by some on the Left that dragging out Obama and Hillary and throwing them in front of the cameras will actually help the party.  BAHAHAHAHA!  Are you kidding me?  Hillary is more universally hated than poison ivy.  The only excitement she’ll generate is for GOP voters and chubby-chasers.

And what about Obama?  He gave his first campaign speech since leaving the White House, and predictably, the dreamy-eyed media acted more like swooning teenage girls rocking to the Beatles at Shea Stadium in 1965 than actual “journalists.”  Of course, even your garden-variety moron knows that trotting him out in front of the prompter does ONE thing…other than giving creepy Chris Matthews a thrill up his disgusting leg, that is.

It reminds people why they voted for Trump in the first place.  Obama was Dr. Frankenstein, and Trump is the guy with bolts sticking out of his neck.  EIGHT YEARS OF OBAMA CREATED TRUMP, for shit’s sake.  If we’ve learned anything, have we not learned THAT?!

Obama’s complete and utter delusion as to the reality that was his failed presidency is nothing short of breathtaking.  If I hear him take credit for Trump’s economy one more time, I’m gonna hurl.  Factually…empirically…statistically…and any other-ly…Obama’s policies were a big, soaking wet blanket on the economy.  You know the laundry list….taxes, regulations, Obamacare, etc., all resulting in the slowest recovery since WWII…the BIG ONE, as Archie Bunker used to say.

And since Barry is loath to give credit where credit is due…I’ll give a much tardy and well-deserved shout out to The Fed for keeping both short and long-term interest rates ridiculously low for his entire abysmal presidency so we could at least keep our heads above water…economically speaking.

Thanks Obama.

And even now…in the midst of weathering the hurricane-force headwinds of the Fed unwinding this spool of massive stimulus, GDP STILL grew at 4.2% last quarter.

Thanks Donald.

Even MORE of a knee-slapper was Obama lecturing about…“a restoration of honesty and decency and lawfulness in our government.”  If taking credit for Trump’s kick-ass economy elicits a giggle, this one should instigate a full-on, wet-your-pants, belly laugh.

Here’s a guy who famously abused power by weaponizing seemingly every government agency to fight political opponents and ideological foes…spied on the media, including a slew of AP reporters AND James Rosen of Fox News….and the creme de la creme…the unprecedented, crooked, and unethical effort by the Obama White House, FBI, Justice Department, State Department and the CIA…to help Clinton and stop Trump in 2016.

What has dribbled out over the past year despite massive Deep State roadblocks has fully exposed this corruption…and Trump’s declassification this week…FINALLY…of ALL the smoking gun documents will shine a light as blinding as a solar eclipse on the swarm of scurrying cockroaches.

Proportionally speaking, Watergate is a pimple on the ass of THIS scandal.

GMAO.  (That’s Gloating My Ass Off for you old folks).

So yeah…Obama yacking about honesty, decency, and lawfulness is like Jack The Ripper presiding over your next Neighborhood Watch meeting.  As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post writes...”Obama’s harsh partisan tone…complete with his typical mocking of Republicans, was in striking contrast to the odes to bipartisanship voiced at Sen. John McCain’s funeral. Too bad Obama wasn’t there . . . oh, wait, he was.”

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham said it best…“The more former President Obama speaks about the ‘good ol years’ of his presidency, the more likely President Trump is to get re-elected.”

Even Crazy Uncle Joe Biden escaped his rubber room long enough to get into the act last Saturday, where he made a speech calling Trump supporters the “dregs of society.”  Way to double-down on that “deplorables” thing, Joe.  It worked out so swimmingly for The Cankle Queen.

And by the way… I prefer Mr. Dregs.  A little respect, please.

1 thought on “Bizarro World

  1. Taco Pepper

    Short term economic success is “serenity now”. Catastrophic growth in the deficit and national debt because we have given everybody (mostly the very wealthy and large corporations) more money to play with while INCREASING spending is not sound economic policy, also known as “insanity later”. President Trump and his one-sided budget disaster is exactly what this country doesn’t need. And one last fact, that 4.2 % GDP growth that gets you excited is LESS than GDP growth realized by the previous administration in multiple quarters while reducing the deficit from 2013-2016. Take a look at what Donny has done to our deficit in just two years and tell me how great that 4.2% growth really is.


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