Daily Archives: September 19, 2018

Bizarro World

First it was Loser Hillary…emerging from the woods behind her Chappaqua, NY refuge, the usual lipstick smeared glass of chardonnay in tow.  Then, The Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama, so generously decides to grace the little people with his presence by also entering the midterm fray.  Two Democrat heavyweights…both literally AND figuratively, in Hillary’s case.  For his part, Obama’s coming out party consisted of one of his trademark self-aggrandizing orations…and his ever so familiar knack for cavalierly revising history.  Reminded me of that old show Fantasy Island.  I half expected that annoying little midget Tatoo to jump out from backstage, screaming, “Da Plane! Da Plane! 

Dating myself again with these old 70’s TV references.  Just be glad I don’t go back further than that, because sadly, I could…

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