Confirmation Clusterf*ck

Well…pardon my French on that title, he sheepishly said.  It just sort of rolled off the tongue so nicely, I couldn’t resist.  Admittedly, I have the will power of a sex addict at the Bunny Ranch.    Anyway, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings last week for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were literally out of the political Twilight Zone.  They should have resurrected Rod Serling to officiate…no disrespect to GOP Senator Chuck Grassley, who displayed the patience of Job in dealing with the tantrums of the far left crybabies.  I suspect these 10 Democrat mental midgets ALL piled out of some ‘67 VW upon their arrival.

So, without any further ado…Cue the circus music for the most nauseating show on earth!

First, this guy Brett Kavanaugh is indisputably one of the most eminently qualified individuals on the planet that could have been nominated by The Donald to serve on the Supreme Court.  A Circuit Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit for 12 years, with over 300 written opinions to peruse to your heart’s content.  A universal thumbs up from legal eagles everywhere, a pillar of his community, top-notch family man, coaches his daughter’s basketball team…even serves meals to the homeless, for shit’s sake…the whole nine yards.  More squeaky clean than a windex factory.  I mean, this dude’s Ward Cleaver with a Yale law degree.

The unhinged gyrations of the Leftists on the Committee to delay, and ultimately thwart the nomination were both stunning, pathetic and massively inappropriate.  And like Michael Moore fitting into a size small ANYTHING…never had a snowball’s chance in Hell of succeeding.  They ridiculously impugned his stellar character, and wailed that if he were confirmed, he would singularly overturn Roe v. Wade next Thursday, and women would immediately start dying in the streets while having back-alley abortions.

The epitome of hysterical fear mongering.  Does ANYONE on the planet take these nonsensical leg-wetters seriously other than their own stupid, lemming choir?

By the way, when Obama nominated Super-Libs Kagen and Sotomayor, they were confirmed overwhelmingly due to their qualifications, and the GOP Senator’s deference to the President.    You think they were happy about that?  So what the hell happened to THAT historical precedent?

Well, I guess we ain’t in Kansas anymore, Toto.

Frankly, calling this hearing a circus is a massive insult to Ringling Brothers.  Sure, those guys had the 900 pound bearded lady who can blow smoke out of interesting places.  Not to be outdone, the Senate Dems have King Cuckoo Corey Booker from NJ who talks out of his ass.  This Obama wannabe put on an Oscar-winning performance in declaring that he will disobey Senate rules and release documents not approved for public release…“I am right now, before your process is finished, I am going to release the email about racial profiling, and I understand the penalty comes with potential ousting from the Senate.  This is about the closest I’ll ever have to an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment.  A reference to the ancient gladiator who led a Roman rebellion, of course.  Huh?


Except…um…yeah…the email he’s talking about was already approved for release the night before.  And Senator Phony knew it.

Nothing like falling on that rubber-tipped sword, eh?

But…Spartacus?  Really?  More like Fartacus.  This gas-bag is a self-absorbed empty suit, dripping with arrogance and condescension, completely embarrassing himself as he so gratuitously used what should be a very serious confirmation hearing as a springboard for fundraising and sound bites for challenging Trump in 2020.  Ditto for his female partner in crime, CA Senator Kamala Harris.  Literally, the only difference between these Socialist, self-serving cranks are their private parts. 

And even THAT’S pure speculation.

The other freak show was the constant interruptions by the crazy Leftist loons in the gallery.  Under the bogus guise of “free speech,” these wackjobs stood up and screamed incoherent gibberish about every 5 minutes before being dragged out.  Over 200 times…but due to beer and bathroom breaks, I unfortunately witnessed only 178 of them.  And make no mistake…those that perpetrated this verbal rioting are no more “protestors” than anarchistic Antifa thugs hurling cinder blocks through the window of your local florist.  

So as the Capitol Police threw the assembly line of mental defectives out on their sorry, subversive asses, one by one…there was one hilarious incident that looked like a friggin’ SNL skit.  Well, SNL back a couple of decades ago when it was still funny.  Some rather…um…shall we say, portly woman must have strapped herself to a chair, because two big, burly members of the Capitol Police almost gave themselves hernias trying to lift and carry this behemoth out of the room.  Suffice it to say, this broad hasn’t missed a meal since 1989…if ever…and is a close second to Michael Moore on the Rotund-O-Meter.

So at the merciful conclusion of this despicable spectacle of a barf-fest, what have we learned, class?

  1.  Judge Kavanaugh WILL be confirmed.
  2.  Trump now doesn’t have to figure out a mocking nickname for Corey “Spartacus” Booker.
  3.  Someone, somewhere on the Trump team JUST might have begun designing  the 2020   inauguration logo.

1 thought on “Confirmation Clusterf*ck

  1. Taco Pepper

    Brett Kavanaugh is highly qualified and should and will be confirmed based on his qualifications. Just as Merrick Garland should have been before he was even denied a vote. Laughing out loud for a long time at the contention that the GOP treats this process with any more dignity or honor than their counterparts across the aisle. It’s a big political game that both parties have made a mockery of, and that is a well documented fact.


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