Daily Archives: September 12, 2018

Confirmation Clusterf*ck

Well…pardon my French on that title, he sheepishly said.  It just sort of rolled off the tongue so nicely, I couldn’t resist.  Admittedly, I have the will power of a sex addict at the Bunny Ranch.    Anyway, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings last week for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were literally out of the political Twilight Zone.  They should have resurrected Rod Serling to officiate…no disrespect to GOP Senator Chuck Grassley, who displayed the patience of Job in dealing with the tantrums of the far left crybabies.  I suspect these 10 Democrat mental midgets ALL piled out of some ‘67 VW upon their arrival.

So, without any further ado…Cue the circus music for the most nauseating show on earth! Continue reading