Funeral Frenzy

What a unique, riveting, and moving week, with both the great John McCain and the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, having funeral services on consecutive days.  I was struck and quite frankly, saddened, by the many, many eulogies delivered…including by ex-Presidents and other Washington elite…who unfortunately couldn’t resist the self-serving opportunity to unleash a myriad of gratuitous, and not so veiled slams on President Trump.

Struck and saddened, yes..but about as surprised as watching a Kenyan win the next New York City marathon.

First, a bit of housekeeping…NONE of this commentary is to defend any of President Trump’s behavior or language perceived by some as inappropriate or offensive…nor am I in any way, shape, or form, belittling or demeaning the genuine, heartbreaking, and demonstrative display of grief…particularly by Megan McCain.

But using THOSE venues to take unnecessary, intellectually lazy, cheap political shots at Trump was small, juvenile, highly inappropriate, and in my eyes, massively diminishes those speakers who succumbed to the temptation, like crack addicts, to deliver such unseemly rubbish.

Crazy me…I tuned in to remember and honor the life of a great American hero…but what I had crammed down my throat was something that felt more like a nutcake Maxine Waters campaign event…IMPEACH 45!!!  IMPEACH 45!!!  IMPEACH 45!!!

The most stunning, in your face, rebuke of President Trump came from Megan McCain…“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness — the real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege while he suffered and served.  The America of John McCain has no need to be made great again because America was always great.”

Obama was a bit more subtle...”So much of our politics, our public life, our public discourse can seem small and mean and petty, trafficking in bombast and insult and phony controversies and manufactured outrage.  It’s a politics that pretends to be brave and tough but in fact is born in fear. John called on us to be bigger than that. He called on us to be better than that.”

But the dude who took the proverbial cake…and this was at Aretha’s funeral…was Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson, who reportedly lost the 800 number for Express Scripts and failed to put a rush order on his Trump Derangement Syndrome meds…“You lugubrious leech, you dopey doppelgänger of deceit and deviance, you lethal liar, you dimwitted dictator, you foolish fascist.” 

To piggyback on the “d” word theme…a diatribe delivered by a drooling dumbass.  But what in Sam Hell does any of it have to do with memorializing The Queen of Soul???  By the way, Professor Douche Bag…Trump’s approval rating among African-Americans is through the goddamn roof…in case you weren’t informed of that by your lefty comrades over at MSNBC or the Huffington Post.

A vote for substance over style, and actions over words, no doubt.

But why?  For what purpose…other than piling on and getting a few cheap political jollies?  To diminish Trump somehow elevates McCain even more?  As if he’s not revered enough (and rightly so)?  Can we not just honor these distinguished Americans for their amazing lives…FOR A COUPLE LOUSY HOURS…without dragging Trump into it?  Is it not enough for these haters to simply bask in the very satisfying public shaming of Trump as the only major political player of the past 40 years, and the damn President to boot, NOT invited to McCain’s final farewell?

Hey…you want to hear the joke of the century?  A Priest, a Rabbi, and a hooker walk into a bar…uh…wait…wrong joke.

Ah, here it is…getting lectured and pontificated to about bipartisanship, unity, and civility by these pillars of virtue?  Really?  Let’s see…Slick Willy Clinton?  Laughable on its face.  And the day before, he sat on a stage at Aretha’s service two seats from Louis Farrakhan, the biggest racist and anti-Semite on the planet.  Silence from the Lib media, of course.  If Trump sat anywhere within 100 miles of David Duke, we’d be bombarded with 24/7 hysterical, leg-wetting coverage for a month.  Barack Obama?  One of the most divisive and scandal-ridden presidencies EVER. Cozy pics of him and Farrakhan, by the way, hidden by the media for 10 years until he was long out of office.

Yeah…I could write a book on this crap.

And correct me if I’m wrong…but I NEVER heard ANY of these self-proclaimed giants of civil discourse forcefully denounce conservatives getting thrown out of restaurants, beaten in the streets for wearing red hats, or otherwise attacked in public…for simply having political views with which the titans of tolerance ON THEIR SIDE disagree.

So please…spare me your f*cking lectures on civility, morality and virtue.  Or at least pass the barf bag beforehand.

In the palpability race at these funerals, it was hypocrisy over grief by a furlong.

Don’t misinterpret…this was not Red vs. Blue, Republican vs. Democrat…this has to be the most stark example of Establishment vs. Disruptor I’ve ever had the nauseating displeasure of witnessing.

But hey…I completely understand the little sensitivities of these incompetents.  I mean, what have the Washington Establishment Elites REALLY contributed in the past many decades?  Endless wars we have no business being in, costing trillions of dollars and thousands of lives?  An immigration system that’s more broken than an alcoholic hitting rock bottom?  Horrible industry killing trade deals offloading zillions of jobs overseas…flipping the finger to the forgotten middle class?  Asleep at the wheel with regard to Radical Islamic Terrorism, dropping 9/11 right into our laps?  And on and on.

So yeah…I GET IT.

How appropriate, though…hackish cheap shots masquerading as eulogies aside… that in the end, and in a dark sort of way, both McCain and Trump delivered their OWN parting shots…mano a mano.  McCain, by denying a funeral invitation to Trump, a sitting friggin’ President…then, before hitting the links, Trump goes on a tweeting binge right smack in the middle of McCain’s funeral service.  Clearly, a reciprocal, and final…kick in the naughty bits.

Sparring to the bitter end.

While some may lament such seemingly petty actions, the contrarian in me can only say…Well played, gentlemen.  Well played.

Fade to black…

1 thought on “Funeral Frenzy

  1. Taco Pepper

    I think we can sum up the difference between John McCain and Donald Trump by analyzing Senator McCain’s most famous quote: “There is no greater good than to serve a cause greater than oneself.” Classic words to live by, and aspire to. Compare that to the constant narcissism, inflated self worth and maniacal ego of our current President and you can quickly see why the MAJORITY of America and the MAJORITY (check the vote count in 2016 or any poll not sponsored by Fox News or Breitbart or Alex Jones) of the world detests and resists our ignorant joke of a President. Megan McCain was right, America has always been great, and it will be long after this embarrassing sham of a President is long gone.


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