Monthly Archives: September 2018

Fake #MeToo

Sometimes my wishful thinking and occasional naiveté gets the better of me.  After the embarrassing, blatantly dishonest, and hysterical behavior of the Socialist Dems at Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearing a couple of weeks ago (see my post titled Confirmation Clusterf*ck), I ACTUALLY thought these disgusting Dems would relent and just let the vote happen.  Like petulant little crybaby infants FINALLY wailing themselves to sleep.  STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!  What in Sam Hell was I thinking?  Like fat ass Michael Moore stampeding to the mac & cheese trough at the Golden Coral…I should have seen it coming like a freight train. Continue reading

Bizarro World

First it was Loser Hillary…emerging from the woods behind her Chappaqua, NY refuge, the usual lipstick smeared glass of chardonnay in tow.  Then, The Messiah himself, Barack Hussein Obama, so generously decides to grace the little people with his presence by also entering the midterm fray.  Two Democrat heavyweights…both literally AND figuratively, in Hillary’s case.  For his part, Obama’s coming out party consisted of one of his trademark self-aggrandizing orations…and his ever so familiar knack for cavalierly revising history.  Reminded me of that old show Fantasy Island.  I half expected that annoying little midget Tatoo to jump out from backstage, screaming, “Da Plane! Da Plane! 

Dating myself again with these old 70’s TV references.  Just be glad I don’t go back further than that, because sadly, I could…

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Confirmation Clusterf*ck

Well…pardon my French on that title, he sheepishly said.  It just sort of rolled off the tongue so nicely, I couldn’t resist.  Admittedly, I have the will power of a sex addict at the Bunny Ranch.    Anyway, the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings last week for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh were literally out of the political Twilight Zone.  They should have resurrected Rod Serling to officiate…no disrespect to GOP Senator Chuck Grassley, who displayed the patience of Job in dealing with the tantrums of the far left crybabies.  I suspect these 10 Democrat mental midgets ALL piled out of some ‘67 VW upon their arrival.

So, without any further ado…Cue the circus music for the most nauseating show on earth! Continue reading

Funeral Frenzy

What a unique, riveting, and moving week, with both the great John McCain and the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, having funeral services on consecutive days.  I was struck and quite frankly, saddened, by the many, many eulogies delivered…including by ex-Presidents and other Washington elite…who unfortunately couldn’t resist the self-serving opportunity to unleash a myriad of gratuitous, and not so veiled slams on President Trump.

Struck and saddened, yes..but about as surprised as watching a Kenyan win the next New York City marathon. Continue reading