Champagne Wishes and Impeachment Dreams

Well, THAT’s the mash-up title of the year, isn’t it?  For those of you with less rings around your trunk than some of us old redwoods, it’s a shout out to Robin Leach of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous fame, who passed away last week at the relatively young age of 76.  His REAL trademark quote, of course, is “Champagne Wishes And Caviar Dreams.”  Here’s a guy who unapologetically enjoyed the finer things in life…a man after my own heart.  A true Capitalist…the absolute antithesis of nauseating “spread the wealth” Socialists.  Spreading the wealth is great, by the way, but best accomplished via philanthropy…and Go Fund Me pages…NOT confiscatory tax policy.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t briefly pay tribute to the great John McCain…a true American hero, patriot, and the embodiment of what makes this country second to none.  I saw the feud between him and President Trump as unfortunate, but as Michael Moore says every time he steps on the scale…It is what it is.  

So…impeachment dreams.  Operative word there being “dreams.”  Oh, don’t get me wrong…if the Dems take back the House with a large enough majority, that will be the very FIRST thing they do right after inhaling a couple of 2 for 1 Egg McMuffins on that first day back in session.  Quite pathetically, they have instructed the loser lefty lemmings not to say the “i” word out loud, because, ya know…it doesn’t poll well.  These Democrats won’t take a crap unless it polls well.

So much for conviction.  And pass the Ex-Lax.

So here’s the worst case scenario for Trump…the Lefty Loons bring impeachment proceedings in the House…it passes…and dies in the Senate.  The stratospheric hurdle of needing 2/3 of the Senate to pass impeachment is completely insurmountable, and there’s a better chance of that happening than Nancy Pelosi reciting the alphabet successfully.

Yes…the ENGLISH alphabet.

Then there’s this tricky little thing you need to cite in impeachment proceedings called “High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”  And it has NOTHING to do with Colorado.  Now, while the House themselves can define that…we’ve seen zippo to date from President Trump that would even come close to passing the laugh test.  Unless you consider doing the horizontal hokey pokey with porn stars and Playboy models…over a decade ago…as qualifying.

Some people might even consider such activity a feather in your cap…just sayin’.

Let’s recap last week…Paul Manafort GUILTY…Michael Cohen GUILTY.  Tax and bank fraud?  Illegalities related to New York City taxi medallions?  All eons before The Donald crossed the threshold of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  Wait, what?  What the hell happened to Russian collusion? Hey Mueller, ever notice the avalanche of that on the Obama/Clinton/Deep State side?

Of course you have.  But you’re a fraud and your investigation is a sham.  Bad combo.

Eh…Never mind.

The toothpaste is out of the tube anyway as to the whole sordid tale of conspiratorial corruption trying to crowbar Trump out of the White House.  Yet the charade astonishingly continues amid desperate attempts by Dems and the media to play make-believe, as if the Deep State sabotage of Trump’s campaign, then attempts to frame him on some sort of fantasy, phony wrongdoing leading to impeachment, never happened.  It appears their cloak of invisibility blanketing this whole putrid scandal experienced a serious wardrobe malfunction, a la Janet Jackson…a political nip slip, as it were.

The epic backfire for these Subversive Socialists will be more deafening than a ‘57 Studebaker in dire need of a tune-up.

Three things about the American people…we are big fans of fairness…absolutely LOVE an underdog…and see our elections as nothing less than sacred.  And everything these dumbass Leftists are doing to satisfy their impeachment wet dreams, craps on all if it.  In their obsessive attempts to undue a fair election, they are pissing off much of the country, and remarkably turning President Trump into a sympathetic figure.

Donald Trump?  A SYMPATHETIC figure?  Who’Da thunk it.  Run THAT through your coconut for a moment.

And if that’s not enough to send these sniveling sissy snowflakes to their favorite safe space for a pick-up game of Candy Land…a Dem platform of Trump is the worst human being ever, roll-back of tax cuts, endless regulations, open borders, abolish ICE, and promises of free shit for all…seals the deal.

They just can’t see it through the fog of blind hatred.

So yeah…the joke’s on these poor bastards.  In fact, they’re the punchline.

And I’m LMFAO.

3 thoughts on “Champagne Wishes and Impeachment Dreams

  1. Taco Pepper

    Pissing off “much of the country”? I see the Drunken Republican has embraced Trump’s tendency to wildly exaggerate the numbers. No approval rating published anywhere suggests this investigation is pissing off much of the country, particularly since he didn’t even get as many votes as his opponent in the “yuge tremendous landslide of 2016.”


    One of the many citizens who appreciates the exposure to multiple criminal acts this investigation has revealed, and the circle of unethical behavior surrounding a President who has lived his life avoiding military service, cheating his business partners, sympathizing with Nazis, defaming and slandering his opponents, defaulting on his debtors and cheating continuously on each of his many wives.

    Yes, he’s truly a sympathetic soul indeed.

    1. The Drunken Republican Post author

      Thank you Taco Pepper for your continued readership and engagement. I appreciate your heartfelt comments. We here at The Drunken Republican strive for nothing less than civil debate with those whom we disagree. I only wish the Fascists on the Left, who stifle free speech and perpetrate violence upon those with opposing viewpoints each and every day, would follow our lead. Sadly, I suspect that is nothing but a pipe dream.

  2. Taco Pepper

    I agree DR, you are a pillar of tolerance and civil debate and it is greatly appreciated. I do have a question for you.. do you believe our President is tolerant and respectful of opposing opinions? Let’s play a game, you show me every example where he has demonstrated this and for each sample you list I will provide an example where he hasn’t, and let’s see who runs out of examples first.


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