350 Reasons To Despise The Media

I like to consider myself to be a perceptive person, and generally, a pretty good judge of people and situations.  But my God, was I flat on my ass in anticipating the endless, unhinged outrage of the Trump haters.  Ok, the shock of Hillary losing was clearly too much to bear for these Loony Libs, and this has manifested itself into a myriad of embarrassing, leg-wetting, hysterical behavior we’re STILL subjected to.  Whatever.  I GET IT.

But as I watched all this from afar…and with great joy and amusement…I figured, like a baby crying herself to sleep, or a toddler having a tantrum at the table next to you at the Olive Garden as you’re savoring that 19th breadstick…it HAS to subside at some point.  It just HAS to.  Jesus, was I wrong.  In fact, the anti-Trump hyperventilating continues to ramp up…evidenced by the pathetic stunt perpetrated last week by the hopeless hypocrites of the mainstream media.

How rich that these thin-skinned snowflake media pukes get their little journalistic panties in a wad because our Name Caller-In-Chief dropped the “Enemy of The People” moniker on them.  BIG. F’ING. DEAL.  I guess that was the proverbial LAST STRAW…sticks and stones be damned.  So these gold medal winners of the Olympics of Feigned Outrage get together (collude?)…350 of them…and publish nonsensical, elitist, pontificating editorials on the same day, wailing about how they are NOT the enemy of the people…sniff, sniff…but more importantly…what a horrible, racist human being our President is.

So much for originality.

I’d be surprised if this mob of groupthink propagandists didn’t all get nosebleeds from being so high on their moral perch.  These are the same losers that spent 8 years licking Obama’s boots…and some gladly venturing quite higher than that.  And this partisan arm of the Democrat party has the balls to lecture all of us about the First Amendment and freedom of the press?

Please media…you’re embarrassing yourselves.

Last time I looked, while they never report how conservative viewpoints are being shut down by Leftist forces on a daily basis…social media companies, on college campuses, etc…the media…as unencumbered as the inhabitants of a nudist colony…have had nothing but free rein to spew their hysterical Trump-Hating blather 24/7.

Fair and accurate press?  Yeah.  Sure.  More than 90% of media “reporting” on President Trump is negative, zero mention…ever…of his long list of accomplishments, overt and unapologetic leaders of the Resistance, and worst of all IMHO…the total ignoring and whitewash of the greatest scandal in U.S. history – the coordinated effort by the outgoing Obama administration, DOJ and FBI officials, Clinton campaign, and other Deep State forces to covertly sabotage Trump’s presidential campaign…and now, live and breathe to take down his presidency…at any and all cost.  Conspiracy to undo an election.  Period.  All fact.  All documented.

Is there a Woodward or Bernstein in the house?

Thank God for congressional oversight committees, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and a very few other honest investigative journalists out there.  I mean, have ya noticed the growing conga line of these corrupt Deep State bastards fired and demoted?  And if The Pantsuit Princess won, we would know less about ANY of this than Michael Moore knows about calorie counting.

The light has been flipped on in the kitchen at 3am, and the cockroaches are scattering.

Here are some spot on thoughts from Michael Goodwin of the NY Post…“I am also concerned that media leaders refuse to see their destructive role in the war with the president. Few show any remorse over how the relentlessly hostile coverage of Trump is damaging the nation and changing journalism for the worse.  One obvious consequence is increased political polarization, with many media outlets making it their mission to denounce Trump from first page to last, day in and day out. 

This lack of balance permits little or no coverage of any of his achievements.  How many people, for example, know about the employment records shattered by the jobs boom unleashed by Trump’s policies?  Rest assured that if Barack Obama had achieved those milestones, they and he would have been celebrated to the high heavens.  Yet when it comes to Trump, nothing is ever good. Having decided he is unfit to be president, most news groups act as propagandists, ignoring or distorting facts that contradict their view of him.”

What the stupid resistance-mongers in the hysterical Fake News media have yet to understand is that poll after poll shows that their own biased, unhinged behavior…and obvious Trump-Hating agenda…has completely undermined public trust in the media.

Our Aussie friends call that a boomerang.

And therein lies the silver-lining…as the media relishes giving their Socialist base a big raging woody over their endless Trump-hating vitriol…in lieu of anything resembling REAL reporting…they are jacking up Trump’s base even more.

And no matter how many millions more votes against Trump in 2020 they can scoop up in California and New York…it’s still 84 electoral votes.

I guess Democrats suck at math too.

1 thought on “350 Reasons To Despise The Media

  1. Taco Pepper

    We will go easy this week, all of the convictions and incoherent tweeting has us all worn down.

    1) I’m glad you feel comfortable using the terms honest investigative journalists and Fox News in the same sentence. Apparently media bias is only unfavorable or unfair if it is contrary to the Trump diatribe.

    2) As for the commentary on the Electoral College, thankfully we can all count on the significantly disproportionate electoral votes from Wyoming and South Dakota to ensure we keep President “Good People on Both Sides”’on track for re-election. Would you care to see the math on that?


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