Daily Archives: August 23, 2018

350 Reasons To Despise The Media

I like to consider myself to be a perceptive person, and generally, a pretty good judge of people and situations.  But my God, was I flat on my ass in anticipating the endless, unhinged outrage of the Trump haters.  Ok, the shock of Hillary losing was clearly too much to bear for these Loony Libs, and this has manifested itself into a myriad of embarrassing, leg-wetting, hysterical behavior we’re STILL subjected to.  Whatever.  I GET IT.

But as I watched all this from afar…and with great joy and amusement…I figured, like a baby crying herself to sleep, or a toddler having a tantrum at the table next to you at the Olive Garden as you’re savoring that 19th breadstick…it HAS to subside at some point.  It just HAS to.  Jesus, was I wrong.  In fact, the anti-Trump hyperventilating continues to ramp up…evidenced by the pathetic stunt perpetrated last week by the hopeless hypocrites of the mainstream media. Continue reading