The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The number 100, in and of itself, might not seem all that meaningful to you.  A hundred-dollar bill.  A 100% your kid got on a pop quiz.  Michael Moore’s 100 pounds overweight (in his dreams).  Hmmm…what else, what else?  OH!  I GOT IT!  You are now reading the 100TH BLOG POST OF THE DRUNKEN REPUBLICAN!!!  To quote Crazy Uncle Joe Biden, “This is a big f*cking deal!”  OK, not as exciting as, say, FREE BEER, but definitely a milestone of sorts for yours truly.  It’s the little things that mean so much…thank God my wife is down with that sentiment as well.

OK, now that I’ve dispensed of that self-congratulatory pat on the back…let us return to our regularly scheduled programming of shamelessly ridiculing leg-wetting, hysterical Libs…

I have to tell you…I cannot get enough of this 28-year-old Socialist woman, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who recently won that New York City Democratic Congressional primary against 20-year incumbent Joe Crowley.  Like herpes, she’s the gift that keeps on giving…every time she opens her big stupid yap.  This chick is more in over her head than a midget plopped into a carnival dunk tank.  I mean little person…dammit!  Anyway…it seems the Lefty Media has unilaterally…and remarkably…anointed this woman the new face of the Democrat (Socialist?) Party.

Me thinks someone didn’t quite think this through.  Now this empty-headed dunce is forced to get in front of the cameras and actually answer questions.  My cat Chloe knows more about subjects like Capitalism, Healthcare, and the Middle East than this ignoramus.

Since I am loath to risk watering down the unmitigated dimwittedness of this imbecile by paraphrasing her nonsensical utterances, I’ll use her exact quotes given in various interviews with fawning and sympathetic media outlets, like CNN and PBS.  She wouldn’t go within several light years of a Fox News studio…

When asked if she recognizes Nancy Pelosi as the leader for the House Democrats, her reply is…“She is – she is the leader of — I mean, Speaker, rather Leader Pelosi hopefully, you know, we’ll see — she’s the current leader of the party and I think that the party absolutely does have its leadership in the House. We have our leadership in the Senate as well.”

YIKES!  I asked Chloe that same question, she proceeded to cough up a furball, which made more sense to me than THAT gibberish.

When discussing healthcare and the Affordable Care Act…We — Americans have the sticker shock of healthcare as it is, and what we’re also not talking about is, why aren’t we incorporating the cost of all the funeral expenses of those who died because they can’t afford access to healthcare? That is part of the cost of our system.”

Moronic doesn’t scratch the surface of describing that statement.  Are we being punked here?  Is that Ashton Kutcher stumbling behind that fake potted plant?

On the subject of the low unemployment rate, Ocasio-Cortez brilliantly opines...”Unemployment is low because everyone has two jobs. Unemployment is low because people are working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family.”

This is pure gold.  It can’t be real.  Is it?  Pinch me…

On problems faced by American workers, despite the historically low unemployment rate, she blames, “No-holds-barred, Wild West, hyper-capitalism…What that means is profit at any cost.  Capitalism has not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world.”

Maybe not in your fantasy world of Liberal Utopia, honey…

And if that massively marvelous marathon of moronic musings wasn’t satisfying enough…

You may be familiar with a thirtysomething dude by the name of Ben Shapiro…conservative political commentator, author of several books, lawyer…whether you agree with his politics or not…an absolutely brilliant guy.  And a reputation for being able to concisely and factually obliterate any liberal argument on any issue in a nanosecond.

So old Ben had the nerve…THE NERVE…to offer $10,000 to Ocasio-Cortez’s favorite charity or her campaign for a little debate on the issues.  Now, as much of a simpleton as this dolt is, she apparently has enough self-awareness to realize that she wants ZERO part of this.  An epic mismatch…like Mike Tyson getting in the ring with your wheelchair-bound great-grandmother all hopped up on opioids.

She could have ignored him.  She could have replied with, “Hey, thanks for the offer, but I’m good.”  Nah.  Here’s how this Commie Pinko Pea-Brain DID reply on Twitter…and right out of the Rules For Radicals playbook…

Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.  And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one.”


Mr. Shapiro fired back…“Discussion and debate are not ‘bad intentions.  Slandering someone as a sexist catcaller without reason or evidence does demonstrate cowardice and bad intent, however.”

In the ongoing race for Queen of Crazy between Pelosi and Mad Maxine Waters, it appears a new challenger has emerged.

And I hope to God they all get as much air time as possible.

1 thought on “The Gift That Keeps On Giving

  1. Taco Pepper

    Congrats on episode #100. Those are certainly some ridiculous quotes. In the spirit of highlighting absurd quotes from morons who have no place in public office, I would like to add a few.

    “I’ve said that if Ivanka wasn’t my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her.”

    “I just start kissing them. I don’t even wait. And when you are a star, they let you do it.”

    “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall.”

    “There are good people on both sides” (One of the sides being torch-bearing Nazis, in case you forgot.)

    “He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

    I’m glad we have chosen to look closely here at nonsensical remarks by elected officials. There certainly is no shortage of material.


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