Booty Call

Ah yes, another week…another run on Walmart by leg-wetting Libs trying to catch the latest sale on Depends.  Some things never change.  And speaking of some things never changing…how about the breakneck pace of President Trump?  I swear, our Energizer Bunny-In-Chief could solve every world problem in a flash if it weren’t for the constant walls being thrown up as obstacles by the haters in Congress, the Deep State, and the Media.  Hey, Libs…I thought you said walls didn’t work???  San Diego disagrees, by the way….but I digress.  Anyway…among the myriad of issues I find myself wading thru on a daily basis, a couple stuck out last week like Michael Moore’s bloated gut after a Twinkie binge…

Returning Remains

You no doubt saw something last week that no U.S. President was able to accomplish for 65 years…until Hurricane Donald stormed The White House, of course.  Well, let me qualify that…if you were watching any of the big three networks, CNN, or MSNBC…and you blinked…you may very well have missed it.  You see, these faux journalist subversives didn’t cover the first shipment of the remains of U.S soldiers from the Korean War with anything more than a fleeting blurb…if that… brokered by our Negotiator-In-Chief.  A page one, above the fold story all day long.  This from the Daily Caller…“According to Fox News, CNN only covered the ceremony for 58 seconds and MSNBC didn’t cover it at all.  Similarly, ABC’s “World News Tonight” covered it for 24 seconds, while “CBS Evening News” and “NBC Nightly News” skipped the ceremony.”

And just to clarify…burying a historic, monumental story such as this deep in the bowels of your stupid website adjacent to some male “enhancement” ad…just to say you DID cover it…doesn’t cut the mustard.  So lame, Mainstream Media Libtards…so, so, lame.

Shameful doesn’t even begin to describe this purposeful lack of coverage.  Especially considering that if it had been President Arrogant Community Organizer, the media would have fawningly kissed his ass until their lips were chapped.

You know it…and I know it.

Sadly, we all could have written this script.

If Trump is a Bigot, Then Why……

Of all the things that make liberals’ heads explode like an IED minefield in Iraq, this has got to be the pinnacle.  In a recent poll by Rasmussen, African-American support for President Trump has almost doubled since last year, from 15% to 29%.  HOLY COW!  Sorry, it’s been a while since I channeled my inner Phil Rizutto.  Anyway, like the “pharmaceuticals” being passed around like Flintstone vitamins at Woodstock in 1969, this is nothing short of mind-blowing.  Clearly, a certain segment of the black community is perusing the landscape and surmising that The Donald’s policies are actually helping them…BIG LEAGUE.  Sure, the large majority are still foolishly lining up as useful idiots of the Left, but this is YUGE no matter how you slice it.

It gets even better.  In another recent poll, this one by Harvard/Harris, Hispanic support for the President is up 10 points since last year.  Wait, what?  I mean, doesn’t Trump hate immigrants more than Maxine Waters hates books without pictures?  Unsurprisingly, there are tons of LEGAL immigrants from Latin American countries who waited in line and followed immigration law to the letter…and…breaking news…they JUST might not take too kindly to their line-cutting brethren, who are disgustingly cheered every stinkin’ day by the Left.

This is all proof positive that there are large swaths of minorities who are free thinkers, make up their own minds based on what THEY see and experience, and clearly treat the agenda driven groupthink media narrative that Trump is a bigoted, immigrant-hating racist like the nonsensical bullshit that it is.

And like Kryptonite to Superman, there’s no bigger threat to the Progressive Lib Movement than a free-thinker who tells them in no uncertain terms where they can stick their Kool-Aid.

So…about a month before the next election….and the one after that…and the one after that…the Dems will, like clockwork, get all gussied up to embark on their identity politics booty calls, anticipating the usual romp in the voting booth…but they just might find something completely unexpected.

Nobody’s home.

1 thought on “Booty Call

  1. Taco Pepper

    What’s not to love as a voter? Thanks to the National Debt Tsunami Tax Relief Act, everybody is getting PAID! Who doesn’t like free money? More votes for Trump please !! Good thing we don’t have to pay it back or really deal with the consequences of this spike in debt and interest for a long, long time. Let somebody else solve the problem and build my damn wall, that’s what I say.


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