Daily Archives: August 9, 2018

Booty Call

Ah yes, another week…another run on Walmart by leg-wetting Libs trying to catch the latest sale on Depends.  Some things never change.  And speaking of some things never changing…how about the breakneck pace of President Trump?  I swear, our Energizer Bunny-In-Chief could solve every world problem in a flash if it weren’t for the constant walls being thrown up as obstacles by the haters in Congress, the Deep State, and the Media.  Hey, Libs…I thought you said walls didn’t work???  San Diego disagrees, by the way….but I digress.  Anyway…among the myriad of issues I find myself wading thru on a daily basis, a couple stuck out last week like Michael Moore’s bloated gut after a Twinkie binge… Continue reading