Cause and Effect

Well, this week is going to be a huge test for my writing skills…or lack thereof according to some.  It seems like an eternity that I’ve wanted to opine about the economy, and actually peel the onion back a bit…but do it all without sending you into a narcolepsy induced face-plant.  The hard truth is that a lot of folks just don’t understand the nuances of the subject of economics…or even care to.  Ergo, it becomes as easy for the media and the Left to snooker people as it is for Michael Moore to split his pants while bending over to retrieve a fumbled Krispy Kreme…likely invoking the 10-second rule in the process.  And snooker they have on the heels of the kick-ass 4.1% 2nd quarter annualized GDP growth announced last week.  

And just in case I fail in my quest to keep this somewhat interesting…can you do me a solid and read it BEFORE popping your nightly Ambien?

So, healthy GDP growth in the U.S. is generally considered to be an average of about 3% annually over time.  During Barack Obama’s two painful terms, he became the first President to NOT realize 3% economic growth, year over year, since WWII.  Did I mention that was for TWO whole terms?  So yeah…shocker…The Donald dug the 4.1% 2nd Qtr GDP growth number announced last week BIG LEAGUE.  Or BIGLY?  I think the former.  Definitely a Laurel or Yanny thing.  

And as expected, most of the media twisted themselves into human silly straws in trying to convince you this was much ado about nothing.  Headline from CBS News…“GDP growth touted as “historic” by Trump is anything but.”  And from The LA Times…“Trump is Crowing about his 4.1% figure – but he still gets his economic math wrong.”  Whatever the hell THAT means.  And a whole internet full of similar headlines.  Their collective narrative, however, is that this is a one-off…a blip, if you will.  The truth here is simpler than Nancy Pelosi’s feeble “mind”…and lies in comparing the respective economic polices of Trump and Obama.

Think black & white…hot and cold…yin and yang…Ivanka Trump and Rosie O’Donnell.

And don’t worry…like Michael Moore devouring a side of beef…this won’t take long.  

Every Lib policy of Obama’s acted like a big gigantic turd sitting on top of the U.S. economy.  I challenge anyone on the planet to argue otherwise.  Way higher taxes, massive amounts of new regulations, the ginormous burden on businesses of Obamacare, yada, yada.  Nothing that could even be remotely perceived as stimulative economic policy.  Nada.  Nil.  Squat.  Zilch.  Zippo.  

So how the hell did we even eke out anemic GDP growth during Obama’s eight year assault on the economy?

So glad you asked.

Two words…Federal Reserve.  The Fed kept short term interest rates near zero for almost Obama’s entire presidency, and manipulated the bond market to keep longer term rates artificially low as well.  Low rates are to companies and the economy as spinach is to Popeye…an economic Viagra of sorts that they actually DO want to last more than four hours.

In keeping with the Viagra theme…typically the Fed screws around with interest rates to tamp down on an overheating economy and stave off inflation, or to juice a weak economy and stave off a recession.  So, the quite flaccid 1.5% – 2.0% GDP growth in the Obama years (depending on how the average is calculated) can be credited fully to Fed policy, which was solely based on neutralizing the effects of the horrible economic policies of the Obama Administration.  Period.

Enter The Donald, thank God, who did a complete 180…slashed taxes and business killing, duplicative, onerous regulations, rendered Obamacare impotent, etc.  In other words…THE FUNDAMENTALS HAVE COMPLETELY CHANGED!  The result?  Robust GDP growth, historically low unemployment, massive capital spending, off the charts consumer confidence, the beginnings of wage growth, a manufacturing boom…shall I go on?

It’s called CAUSE AND EFFECT, you STUPID F’ING LIBS!!!  Sorry for that momentary loss of composure.   Or for you Seinfeld aficionados, the George Costanza theory of success…DO THE OPPOSITE.

And this is why the Trump haters look like moronic partisan hacks wishing for America to fail when they call 4.1% GDP growth a BLIP.  In fact, nutbag Leftist Bill Maher said recently, “…one way you get rid of Trump is a crashing economy. So please, bring on the recession.  Sorry if that hurts people but it’s either root for a recession or you lose your democracy…”  And if you don’t think like 95% of Libs are simpatico with that putrid sentiment, you’re nuttier than Maxine Waters sans psychosis meds.

Lack of an ACTUAL crystal ball notwithstanding, and from a purely empirical standpoint, the foundation has been set for strong and sustained GDP growth as far as the eye can see…contrary to what the Lying Leftist Fake News Media tries to tell you.

So, when some pathetic, leg-wetting safe-spacer comes out of his crying room long enough to try to give Obama credit for ANY economic goodness now or in the past…ask them one simple question – Name one Obama economic policy that can be even remotely construed as stimulative.  Just.  One.

Yeah, thought so.






1 thought on “Cause and Effect

  1. Taco Pepper

    The tax cut is naturally going to stimulate economic growth in the short term, but at what cost? The GDP is over 4%, but the YTD FY18 deficit increase is over 16%. By 2023, the projected interest we pay on the national debt will exceed the projected DoD budget. These tax cuts are exactly what they were intended to be, political crack for uneducated voters who either don’t understand or don’t care they are saddling their children and grandchildren with the bill for Trumps re-election. Meanwhile, our President and his economic advisers are weighing yet another tax cut on capital gains so that they and theirs can get even wealthier while we spend out of control on parades, walls, and payoffs to farmers we screwed with the recent tariff hikes. Which is the only President ever whose personal business has filed for bankruptcy 6 times? Even the drunkest Republican knows the answer to that question.


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