Daily Archives: August 2, 2018

Cause and Effect

Well, this week is going to be a huge test for my writing skills…or lack thereof according to some.  It seems like an eternity that I’ve wanted to opine about the economy, and actually peel the onion back a bit…but do it all without sending you into a narcolepsy induced face-plant.  The hard truth is that a lot of folks just don’t understand the nuances of the subject of economics…or even care to.  Ergo, it becomes as easy for the media and the Left to snooker people as it is for Michael Moore to split his pants while bending over to retrieve a fumbled Krispy Kreme…likely invoking the 10-second rule in the process.  And snooker they have on the heels of the kick-ass 4.1% 2nd quarter annualized GDP growth announced last week.  

And just in case I fail in my quest to keep this somewhat interesting…can you do me a solid and read it BEFORE popping your nightly Ambien? Continue reading