The Chicken Little Left

Just as society seems to have become completely desensitized to the pervasive nature of sexual and violent images that engulf us in movies, TV, and on the internet, have we not become similarly desensitized to the daily unhinged meltdowns of every single card-carrying member of the Trump-Hating Resistance Movement?  I know I have.  Think about the asinine, over-the-top reactions of the Lefty snowflakes in just the past couple weeks…the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court…The press conference with Putin in Helsinki…Trump’s tweet to Iran…Trump’s threat to pull top-secret clearances from ex-Obama officials…not simply mere critics, by the way…but live and breathe 24/7 to destroy the Trump Presidency.

Well, I do sort of get the outrage over the Iran tweet.  It was in all CAPS, after all…a Defcon 1 in the sick minds of Twitter freaks.  Or at the VERY least, a microaggression.

I mean, compare this endless hysteria to the Obama years.  It was NOTHING like this.  Not even close.  Sure, half the country absolutely railed on Obama’s stupid Leftist policies, knowing lies about Obamacare, leading from behind, apology tours…shall I go on?  You get the point.  But generally speaking, the fierce criticism of Obama was most often lacking in unhinged hysterical meltdowns.  Why?  Because it wasn’t personal for most.  WE hated Obama’s policies.  THEY hate Trump personally.  So much so, they have wet dreams while fantasizing about his demise…and we can all recite the plethora of examples.

Trump Derangement Syndrome has morphed into Trump Death Syndrome.  Same acronym, though.  Something to be said for consistency.

This all leads quite nicely to a bit of wisdom imparted by one of my heroes, the late Dr. Charles Krauthammer, easily the foremost conservative opinion writer of our time.  This formally trained psychologist turned political commentator could absolutely eviscerate the perceived “merits” of ANY liberal argument with logic, wit, grace, and humor…and both hands tied behind his back.  Way back in a 2002 column, Dr. Krauthammer encapsulated precisely…and with an economy of words…why liberals have a great propensity to go ape shit 24/7...”Conservatives think liberals are stupid.  Liberals think conservatives are evil.”

Nail. On. The. Head.

And no holds barred when fighting evil, right?  This explains, of course, the head exploding meltdowns of Libs and the media all day long, the constant Trump death fantasies of these maniacs, the daily occurrences of some poor bastard donning a MAGA hat getting the bejeezus beat out of him by some tolerant leftist, Trump Administration members verbally attacked and shamed in public…and on and on.  And just this week…The Donald’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame destroyed yet again…this time with a pick-axe (See asshole doing it).  Can’t make this stuff up, kiddos.  But to these unhinged Libs, it’s like Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters being strapped to a couple of shiny gurneys and wheeled into their local psych ward…it just feels right.

Case in point…John Brennan…Obama acolyte, ex-CIA Director, and one of the shysters at the epicenter of the phony collusion investigation.  This corrupt crackpot is beyond a complete embarrassment to the nation.  After Trump’s Helsinki presser with Putin, here’s the nonsensical absurdity that dribbled out of his yap in a tweet…“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous…”  Punishable by…wait for it…HANGING!  Then he called him an imbecile.

Now, THAT was a bridge too far.

Suffice it to say…and legally speaking…treason cannot even exist unless you are formally at war with another country AND you provide them aid and comfort….who has time for silly facts, though.  More importantly…this nonsense is coming from a guy who was a major player in instigating…and covering up…a phony investigation to take down a duly elected, sitting President…and let the Queen of Cankles off the hook for good measure.  AND provenly lied about it all MULTIPLE TIMES to Congress while under oath.  Now, the Lib media is bellyaching about the threat of poor baby Brennan’s top-secret security clearance getting pulled?  Are you kidding me??  Waaaahhhhh!!!  That crooked son of a bitch ought to be tweeting this bullshit from Leavenworth.

I’ll say one thing for the Deep State…they look out for their own.  Yet Paul Manafort sits in solitary confinement for alleged financial misdeeds a million years ago.

My God, what f**king country are we living in???

So while WE sit back and enjoy three, four, five percent GDP growth, historic employment numbers, restored American strength and security, etc…the sky is falling, leg-wetting, Chicken Littles of the Left and their incestual cohorts in the Fake News Media obsess about a shirtless Vladimir Putin, tweets in CAPS, Trump’s sex life in 2006, and security clearances of ex-Gov’t employees.

Couple all that with the full-on Socialist platform of the Dumbass Democrat party, and these losers just may prove once and for all that screwing oneself is in fact NOT anatomically impossible.



2 thoughts on “The Chicken Little Left

  1. Taco Pepper

    There was lot of unhinged anger from those pesky Liberals about Helsinki and Russia. It was very sad to see the biased liberal and universal criticism from leftist Fox News and well known Socialists like Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, and Paul Ryan. I’m so tired of those liberal voices and their unfounded radical complaints. Oh wait.. I meant to say I “wasn’t” very sad when I sad I “was” sad… my bad.


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