Hysteria On The High Seas

Well, I’ve been on the road for the past week and a half…yes, even snarky political bloggers are entitled to a little R&R…and try as I might, I can’t seem to avoid frothing at the mouth Trump-haters finding me at every turn…and I think describing a couple of these encounters might be amusing (there were far more than a couple, but I do try to stay under 1000 words).  And it’s no great revelation that mocking these hyperventilating Leftist losers has become sport for me. Sure…I could again delve into the typical daily Leftist outrage du jour…President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Brett Kavanaugh (WOMEN WILL DIE IN THE STREETS IF CONFIRMED!)…The Donald’s Summit in Helsinki with our buddy Vlad Putin (TREASONOUS!  IMPEACHMENT!)

I need a break from that crap…it’s sapping my strength.

Anyway…I was on a week-long cruise from Vancouver to San Francisco, then drove over to Sonoma to lollygag amongst the wineries for a few glorious days.  To say these destinations are Trump-Hating Country is like saying Nancy Pelosi is just SLIGHTLY intellectually challenged…the understatement of the century.  The anti-Trump sentiment in these parts is excruciatingly palpable.  And no matter where I turned, I just couldn’t seem to avoid these unhinged bed-wetters…all of whom couldn’t wait to indicate just how much they hated Donald J. Trump.

While on a bike tour in Vancouver, we stopped for a moment to admire some cool looking statues, and a couple of 40-something local dudes engaged us in conversation.  After exchanging pleasantries, discussion of where we’re from, etc…out of the blue…one of them, in an impromptu meltdown of sorts, wonders out loud, “What the hell is wrong with YOUR President?”


Then his buddy chimes in, “Yeah, he hates immigrants and he’s an overt racist!  How could anyone POSSIBLY support this man?”  I might have detected a smidge of spittle from that diatribe.  Truth be told, they sounded like some of the liberals in my extended family…maybe we were related, I thought??  Hmmm.  Clearly, two more unsuspecting victims of Lib Media narrative.  Poor bastards.  Of course, I could have verbally eviscerated these two Canadian Socialist knuckleheads in a nanosecond with a finely placed fact or two…but like fat ass Michael Moore strolling into his local CrossFit…what the hell would be the purpose?

Instead, I stared at them sort of blankly like an escaped mental patient, and we parted ways.

A couple of days later, I ventured into a place on the ship called the Connoisseur Club, a classy looking venue where fine cigars are puffed, 18-year-old single malt scotch is sipped, and there is absolutely no shortage of very dark leather and wood.

AKA…my kind of place.

So…as my son and I sit there, each enjoying a fine Cohiba and a couple of freshly crafted cocktails, Fox News is playing loudly and proudly on the flat screen.  A little slice of heaven on the high seas…until some disheveled, rather frumpy woman comes bounding in, and in no time flat, has a disgusting cigarette dangling out of her piehole.  As classy as Roseanne Barr’s crotch grabbing rendition of the National Anthem all those years ago in San Diego.  So, I’m wondering…how the hell did this homeless broad sneak onto this all-inclusive luxury cruise?  As I pondered this existential question between puffs, she shrieks, “FOX NEWS?!?!  I’M NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND WATCH THIS GARBAGE!”  As she waddled out of the room, we burst out laughing.

Good riddance, lady.  And I use that term quite loosely.

But alas, a few minutes later, she returns with her husband, her complete equal on the Schlub-O-Meter.  A match made in Liberal Hell, those two.  Since we had control of the remote, she exasperatingly inquires if we can change the channel to MSNBC.  “Sure, why not,” I said, in a sort of surprised giggle.  It was bad enough we had to endure watching that Leftist Fake News Socialist Drivel…but also the added bonus of the hysterical Trump-Hating excrement they were gleefully spewing…absolutely making damn sure we heard EVERY WORD.

Whatever.  I simply continued enjoying my fine cigar and top-shelf booze.  These Commie Pinko Losers were already dead to me.

But there WAS a silver lining.

Right before these Lib bottom-feeders infiltrated our little sanctuary…a nice, older gentlemen of rather imposing stature was exiting the room, and handed me the remote on his way out…”in case you’d like to change the channel,” he said.  “You mean, OFF of Fox News?” I questioned. “Nah, it’s on the right channel.”

It was nothing short of fate.  In a sea of silent Trump supporters…we found each other.  This man lit up like a gaudy Christmas tree, enthusiastically shook my hand, looked me straight in the eye, and smiled at me like he just located his long-lost son.  Brothers in Arms.  He then slyly leaned in and said softly, “I was afraid some asshole was going to come in and want to watch CNN.”

I’m glad he was spared that horror.  Unfortunately, it was ME who lived HIS nightmare…almost to the letter.

Except it was MSNBC.

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