Death of the Democrat Party

Well…it’s official.  That’s right Mouseketeers…your parent’s Democrat Party…that of JFK and even Slick Willy Clinton…finally went up in a raging inferno.  S’mores, anyone?   Like dinosours…pay phones…drive-in theaters.  Extinct.  Adios.  Sayonara.  The mainstream media has been loath to report the Civil War that has been raging within the Democrat Party for many years…but WE HAVE A WINNER!  And this obvious victory was fully crystallized last week with the election of a full-on, honest to goodness, self-described Socialist to Congress…one NOT named Bernie Sanders.  OK, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won in a massively liberal progressive district in New York City…but she trounced a guy named Joe Crowley, a twenty-year incumbent, once tagged as possibly replacing none other than Ms. Mental Defective herself, Nancy Pelosi, as Dem leader in the House.

So, for traditional Dems, the party’s over…time to fire up the old Uber app.  But for the open border, everything’s free, what’s in it for me, Far Left Progressives…the party is just beginning.

And please, let’s stop the BS and the pretense.  The fat lady has sung, and the Socialists are ruling the roost.  Period.  It must be so liberating for these Socialist losers to escape their ideological closet.  Here’s a take from Charles Hurt of the Washington Times…“A little more than a decade ago, Democratic leaders such as Mrs. Clinton, her husband, and former President Barack Obama all supported, argued for and voted for a physical barrier along the border to keep illegal aliens — especially violent gang members — from sneaking into the country.  Now, according to leadership all up and down the Democratic Party, holding such a position is somehow “racist” or xenophobic and certainly hateful…The Democrats just kicked out their fourth-ranking House member in favor of an avowed socialist who wants to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. Seriously?”  

Yeah…seriously.  Oh…they won’t change their letterhead quite yet.  Like Obama, these chameleons will still try to pass themselves off as moderates come election time.  This IS still a center-right country, after all.  Fool me once…

So the demise of the Democrat Party is no longer impending, but like the tree-hugger on a scooter you just blew by in your gas-guzzling SUV, fully in the rear view mirror.  The latest kerfuffle over separating families illegally crossing the border…temporarily remedied by President Trump via executive order…was clearly the catalyst for both the Socialist coming out party, as well as the complete and utter nervous breakdown of The Resistance.  And most certainly set the stage for Ms. Ocasio-Cortez to take the crown of Miss Socialist in New York’s 14th District.

All that was missing was Bert Parks.

What we’re seeing unfold is not simply the run of the mill daily leg-wetting by the Left spawned by every Trump utterance, nor the myriad of violent images of some poor schlub getting the pulp beat out of him by some tolerant and inclusive Lib for the high crime of strolling down the street donning a MAGA hat.  Strangely, those seem like the Good Old Days.

In just the past few weeks, we have seen…not just your garden variety Leftist Hollywood Pukes (No, F**k YOU De Niro)…but sitting members of Congress like Maxine “Low IQ” Waters…screaming through megaphones for their “cult followers” to aggressively confront…in public…members of the Trump Administration, Cabinet members, etc., and asinine calls for the abolition of ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement).  Those leftist rantings and ravings, tantrums, endless protests, and subliminal calls for violence may play well in California.  Kalamazoo?  Not so much.

Just a flavor of the most recent Greatest Hits…White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family literally get thrown out of a restaurant in Virginia because she is associated with Trump.  Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen gets shouted down AT HER TABLE in a restaurant by an angry mob.  Mitch McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, get yelled at by protesters as they are leaving a fundraiser.  Florida Attorney General and Trump supporter Pam Bondi gets screamed at by a hostile crowd at a goddamn movie theater…attempting to instigate a fight with her boyfriend.   And Scott Pruitt, EPA Administrator, is confronted by a woman in a restaurant demanding that he resign.

Classy bunch, huh?  Like a puss oozing boil.

Nice to see how far we’ve progressed from GOP Congressman Steve Scalise getting shot and almost killed a year ago by some deranged Bernie Sanders sycophantic bootlicker.  And while most of this recent depravity and incivility simply elicits yawns from the disinterested and complicit media…many fake newsers actually twisted themselves up into pretzels with subtle suggestions that somehow it’s all justified and that big old fat meanie Trump is to blame.


Still not convinced of this political passing of the torch?  OK.  Then let’s go straight to the horse’s mouth…Tom Perez, Nutbag Progressive and Chairman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), who enthusiastically opined in a recent interview about newly elected NY Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, “…she represents the future of our party.”

And the future is now.


1 thought on “Death of the Democrat Party

  1. Taco Pepper

    Unfortunately this commentary is grossly one-sided. Ask Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins or John McCain if the Democrats are the only party moving further and further from the center. Perhaps we could ask the multiple pronounced white supremacists competing for nominations in the GOP across the country? This abandonment of moderate and responsible compromise is an equal-opportunity problem.


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