Daily Archives: July 5, 2018

Death of the Democrat Party

Well…it’s official.  That’s right Mouseketeers…your parent’s Democrat Party…that of JFK and even Slick Willy Clinton…finally went up in a raging inferno.  S’mores, anyone?   Like dinosours…pay phones…drive-in theaters.  Extinct.  Adios.  Sayonara.  The mainstream media has been loath to report the Civil War that has been raging within the Democrat Party for many years…but WE HAVE A WINNER!  And this obvious victory was fully crystallized last week with the election of a full-on, honest to goodness, self-described Socialist to Congress…one NOT named Bernie Sanders.  OK, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won in a massively liberal progressive district in New York City…but she trounced a guy named Joe Crowley, a twenty-year incumbent, once tagged as possibly replacing none other than Ms. Mental Defective herself, Nancy Pelosi, as Dem leader in the House.

So, for traditional Dems, the party’s over…time to fire up the old Uber app.  But for the open border, everything’s free, what’s in it for me, Far Left Progressives…the party is just beginning.

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