Monthly Archives: July 2018

The Chicken Little Left

Just as society seems to have become completely desensitized to the pervasive nature of sexual and violent images that engulf us in movies, TV, and on the internet, have we not become similarly desensitized to the daily unhinged meltdowns of every single card-carrying member of the Trump-Hating Resistance Movement?  I know I have.  Think about the asinine, over-the-top reactions of the Lefty snowflakes in just the past couple weeks…the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court…The press conference with Putin in Helsinki…Trump’s tweet to Iran…Trump’s threat to pull top-secret clearances from ex-Obama officials…not simply mere critics, by the way…but live and breathe 24/7 to destroy the Trump Presidency.

Well, I do sort of get the outrage over the Iran tweet.  It was in all CAPS, after all…a Defcon 1 in the sick minds of Twitter freaks.  Or at the VERY least, a microaggression. Continue reading

Hysteria On The High Seas

Well, I’ve been on the road for the past week and a half…yes, even snarky political bloggers are entitled to a little R&R…and try as I might, I can’t seem to avoid frothing at the mouth Trump-haters finding me at every turn…and I think describing a couple of these encounters might be amusing (there were far more than a couple, but I do try to stay under 1000 words).  And it’s no great revelation that mocking these hyperventilating Leftist losers has become sport for me. Sure…I could again delve into the typical daily Leftist outrage du jour…President Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Brett Kavanaugh (WOMEN WILL DIE IN THE STREETS IF CONFIRMED!)…The Donald’s Summit in Helsinki with our buddy Vlad Putin (TREASONOUS!  IMPEACHMENT!)

I need a break from that crap…it’s sapping my strength.
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Death of the Democrat Party

Well…it’s official.  That’s right Mouseketeers…your parent’s Democrat Party…that of JFK and even Slick Willy Clinton…finally went up in a raging inferno.  S’mores, anyone?   Like dinosours…pay phones…drive-in theaters.  Extinct.  Adios.  Sayonara.  The mainstream media has been loath to report the Civil War that has been raging within the Democrat Party for many years…but WE HAVE A WINNER!  And this obvious victory was fully crystallized last week with the election of a full-on, honest to goodness, self-described Socialist to Congress…one NOT named Bernie Sanders.  OK, 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won in a massively liberal progressive district in New York City…but she trounced a guy named Joe Crowley, a twenty-year incumbent, once tagged as possibly replacing none other than Ms. Mental Defective herself, Nancy Pelosi, as Dem leader in the House.

So, for traditional Dems, the party’s over…time to fire up the old Uber app.  But for the open border, everything’s free, what’s in it for me, Far Left Progressives…the party is just beginning.

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