Dems Are Out Of The Immigration Closet

In their latest inane attempt to bring down a duly elected, sitting President, the Open Border European Wannabe’s on the Left…so pathetically stupid, so ideologically bankrupt, and so unhinged by their hatred for one man with sort of orange hair, start plastering a picture all over the internet of some children sleeping inside a chain-link fence cage on a concrete floor.  THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!  WE CANNOT HAVE A NAZI AS PRESIDENT IMPRISONING CHILDREN AT THE BORDER!  IMPEACH 45!  IMPEACH 45!  IMPEACH 45!

Wait, what?  That photo was from 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president?


This, of course is ALL great news for the 1962 NY Mets, previously considered the biggest losers in the history of the world…until these Lefty Socialist Nutbags crawled out from underneath their pile of safe space coloring books.  Yep, the same people who uttered nary a peep in 2014 when Obama also detained children during a similar surge of illegals from the cesspools of Central America.  Who the hell’s got time for facts, history or perspective when we’re in the middle of a coup d’etat…right, CNN?

So…despite the Lib Media wet dreams that Trump invented the immigration mess…this goes all the way back to the Clinton Administration and a 1997 court decision that declared we cannot detain children coming over the border illegally for more than 20 days.  This was an untenable situation…even for Obama…since getting families processed through criminal immigration proceedings can take months.  Disaster for most, but like winning the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes for the Obama Administration, who gleefully accepted this legal gift…more like a wink and a nod…from US District Judge “Hello” Dolly Gee in California, and commenced their beloved “Catch and Release” Policy.

Easy peasy…just release the whole family into the interior of the country, with an order to show up to court in A COUPLE OF YEARS!  I mean, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?  And as you’d expect, 97% never show up, according to the Feds.  I mean, who the hell is gonna show up…unforced…to their own execution?  Not me.  Even Stevie Wonder could see that this amounted to nothing more than a de facto open border policy.  No Act of Congress required.  No fuss.  No muss.  Just add a ruling from a Leftist judge and mix vigorously…Instant Open Border.  And Carnival Barker Obama screaming, “COME ONE, COME ALL!”

Merry Christmas Barry.  Love, Judge Gee.  XOXOXO

But alas, along comes President Trump…that big fat meanie…who has the goddamn gall to enforce and secure our borders, protect the country, and recapture our sovereignty.  THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!  AN OUTRAGE I TELL YOU!  His zero tolerance border policy simply says he’s going to enforce EXISTING IMMIGRATION LAW…an extreme radical position as far as the Open Border Left is concerned.

Trump’s one blunder, however, was the lack of foresight into the unintended consequence of the sheer volume of child detentions sure to happen given the current surge from Central America…coupled with that pesky 1997 court ruling…which by the way, the Justice Dept has asked for relief on.  The chance that some über liberal judge in California…likely a card-carrying member of THE RESISTANCE… will grant Trump’s request for even temporary relief is right up there with the chances of me and Ivanka Trump hooking up this weekend for some sushi and a cheap bottle of Cabernet.  AIN’T. GONNA. HAPPEN.

Finally, political battle lines have been clearly drawn.  I don’t think anyone on the planet can legitimately deny that the Democrat party has FORMALLY come out of the open border closet. Their occasional insulting platitudes about border security are as worthless as an empty bottle of gin to a skid row bum.  They will never, EVER acknowledge the Kate Steinle’s of the world….and thousands like her…murdered by illegals.  Terrorists, drug and human traffickers, and other criminals waltzing across the border?

Ho hum.

So…It is beyond dispute that Far Left Progressives and the Democrat Party, now as indistinguishable as identical twins, have officially prioritized the safety and well-being of illegal aliens over that of American citizens.  Open borders.  Sanctuary cities.  Not down with that? You’re a racist, bigoted Nazi.

Kinda losing its zing, huh?

As I’ve explained ad nauseam, this is about future Democrat votes…nothing more, nothing less.  That crying kid in a detention center, dragged over the border by irresponsible parents, is simply seen as a Louisville Slugger to these libtards, used only to crack Trump’s political skull like a hanging curve…no Obama kid glove treatment.  Cram’em in like strap hangers on the E Train underneath Times Square during rush hour, and wait until the next Democrat Congress and White House can bestow amnesty upon them. 

HEY, HEY, HEY, GOODBYE Republicans.

Am I impugning their motives?  Do Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters have a collective IQ of about 63?

Despite the short-term PR nightmare for The Donald…if these Dangerous Dopey Dems think their open border fantasies are going to play well with the Independents and Rust Belt states they sorely need to recapture in 2020…they’re even stupider than I thought.

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