Like Rome falling, the Hindenburg plummeting to earth in a raging inferno, or the Titanic racing to the ocean floor…the Trump-Hating Banana Republic Deep Staters in the FBI and DOJ are in the midst of a similar tragic fate…and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.  Inspector General Michael Horowitz FINALLY released his report regarding the handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 campaign last week, and uncovered massive anti-Trump bias by FBI investigators and insubordinate behavior by self-righteous, narcissistic scumbag Jim Comey.  Even with this scathing report overflowing with a treasure trove of bias and illegalities…Horowitz punted at its conclusion, refusing to go the Full Monty and declare the Clinton investigation the complete sham that we all know it to be.  

But to no avail.

Although Horowitz chose to not impune the motives of the decision makers at the DOJ directly in their decision NOT to throw the book at Clinton…we can all read.  And he implored folks to draw their OWN conclusions.  Got it…wink, wink.  Quite frankly, anyone that believes…at this point…the decision to let Hillary skate on her blatant and intent-laden mishandling of classified information was NOT motivated by political bias…I got a vegan cookbook in Michael Moore’s kitchen I’d like to show you.

The most explosive text between lead FBI investigator Peter Strzok and his paramour in crime Lisa Page was clearly concealed from congressional investigators…a massive problem in and of itself…until this report…

Page:  “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!
Strzok:  “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”

We’ll stop it???  WTF??  If you can find ANY ambiguity in THAT exchange, then you can surely see a spec of DNA with your naked eye.  A bigger smoking gun than anything Dirty Harry ever packed.  Remember… this is not some low-level flunkie at a remote FBI field office.  He was the LEAD INVESTIGATOR on both the Clinton email AND Russian investigations.  While congressional investigators and others pulled more teeth than an oral surgeon to extract thousands of anti-Trump, Hillary-loving text messages from the FBI…THIS one…was concealed until the IG report was released.

Really?  Who the hell do these Hillary-Loving Frauds think they are?

Let’s harken back, shall we, to another text, where Strzok urged that, though highly unlikely, the prospect of Trump being elected was SO intolerable that the bureau needed an “insurance policy” against it — i.e., the Russia investigation.  Unfathomable…Watergate has scandal envy. This Deep State Crook is some piece of work.  Girls, turn away for a moment…….And after looking at his Trump-Hating paramour Lisa Page…his taste in women ain’t all that swift either.  To quote the late, great Rodney Dangerfield…“Last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it.”  But I digress.  OK girls…you may re-engage.

C’mon…Hillary was NEVER going to be indicted IN THE MIDDLE OF A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION for mishandling of classified information…fully and completely proven, by the way.  Statutes more violated than a hooker during Fleet Week.  The best way to stop Trump was to give Hillary a “Get Out of Jail Free” card.…so, Strzok, Page, and others literally made it happen by creating a completely whitewashed portfolio of watered-down documentary and testimonial evidence with more holes than a body piercing addict.

So, as I’m watching hours of C-Span, and just as riveted as if it were an old episode of “24,” with Jack Bauer on the cusp of chopping off some dirt bag terrorist’s pinkie…I can’t help but think…don’t old dudes watch C-Span?  Ugh.  Despite the instantaneous feeling of depression and mortality from that horrid thought…watching the Republicans pepper IG Michael Horowitz with questions during two days of Senate and House Judiciary Committee hearings was sheer rapture.

Ok, maybe a bit of an overstatement.

Sorry, but it’s better than watching The Bachelorette.

The highlight?  Easy.  It was Trey Gowdy, Bad Ass GOP Congressman from South Carolina, absolutely eviscerating Horowitz’s conclusion of no bias in the Clinton investigation in his opening statement…despite almost his entire friggin’ report outlining…well…the massive bias sported by the FBI investigators in the Clinton investigation.  If you haven’t seen this…do yourself a favor…Gowdy Opening Statement

Scrumptious as this all was, PART TWO of the IG investigation will be juicier than a Morton’s NY Strip…and it’s getting nicely seared by Chef Horowitz as we speak.  We’re talking the Russia investigation, the Fake Dossier, FISA abuse, spying on the Trump campaign, yada, yada.

Like a kid waiting in agony for Christmas Day to finally roll around…I can hardly stand it.

To quote Flounder in Animal House“Oh boy, is THIS great!”

Perp walks to follow.

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