Daily Archives: June 21, 2018


Like Rome falling, the Hindenburg plummeting to earth in a raging inferno, or the Titanic racing to the ocean floor…the Trump-Hating Banana Republic Deep Staters in the FBI and DOJ are in the midst of a similar tragic fate…and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.  Inspector General Michael Horowitz FINALLY released his report regarding the handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 campaign last week, and uncovered massive anti-Trump bias by FBI investigators and insubordinate behavior by self-righteous, narcissistic scumbag Jim Comey.  Even with this scathing report overflowing with a treasure trove of bias and illegalities…Horowitz punted at its conclusion, refusing to go the Full Monty and declare the Clinton investigation the complete sham that we all know it to be.   Continue reading