Godfather Trump

OK Libs…if you insist on continuing to embarrass yourselves in the most pathetic way possible…believe me, I’m fine with it.  In fact, like an open bar at a wedding…I can’t get enough.  Despite the growing Conga Line of Trump Administration achievements, the Haters not only continue to psychotically deny reality, but then they have the unbridled gall to mock him in the process.  Other that their own Un-American Socialist Lib Choir, they are convincing exactly no one.  Pelosi, Schumer, and the media puking all over a record economy and historic achievements on the international stage…eliciting bewildered looks all across flyover country, like…”What the hell are THEY talking about?”  The only thing these losers are hemorrhaging faster than votes in 2020 is their virtually non-existent credibility.  It’s 2018.  Your girlfriend Hillary left you in a crumpled heap two years ago. Big boy pants time.  Move on already.  Or at the very least, do us all a favor and double-up on your Zoloft.

I’m not even going to bother giving examples of every Lib, every Democrat, every former Obama official, gleefully crapping on the monumental achievement we all witnessed in Singapore this week vis-a-vis Trump’s historic summit with North Korea.  “But that Iran deal was awesome!” they’ll exclaim.  Sure.  The hand-wringing and leg-wetting over Trump and Kim Jong-un simply being in a goddamn picture together is nonsensical.  These failed establishment “diplomats” of the past worry more about a picture than avoiding a nuclear war, and themselves, have accomplished precisely nothing in the past 30 years in terms of preventing North Korea from getting nukes.  But they sure as hell denied them that little propaganda selfie, didn’t they?  No worries, though.  Like a spill in aisle 4 at your local Publix, President Trump is there to clean up your failed diplomatic mess…

And things are demonstrably different this time.  Starting with Trump himself, of course, blowing up the failed NoKo diplomatic playbook of the past…as worthless as condoms in a convent.  Tough rhetoric and even tougher sanctions brought Kim to the table.  And a belief by Kim for the first time EVER…that the U.S. would ACTUALLY drop bombs right on top of his stupid cereal bowl haircut if need be.  Kim is a young dude in his 30’s…educated in Switzerland and with an affinity for western culture…that will do everything he can to keep breathing and stay in power.  No suicide vest and 72 virgins for this guy.  He has zero interest in becoming worm food like Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.

Despite the hysterical blather of the critics, eyes are wide open as to NoKo’s penchant for cheating and game playing.  And guys like Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton are the most experienced guys on the planet who know the history better than anyone.  Cautious optimism?  Sure.  Some healthy skepticism?  No problem.  Reminiscent of the 1927 Yankees, these two guys, along with Trump, are the Murderers Row of international diplomacy.  Arrogant and Aloof Obama, Crooked Hillary and John “Swift Boat” Kerry?  Merely the Bad News Bears.  These diplomatic dolts couldn’t negotiate their way out of a safe-space at UC Berkeley.

As summed up by Michael Goodwin of the New York Post, “…today should be declared a holiday from nitpicking, a time to celebrate what has been accomplished instead of fixating on the possible pitfalls. It is an occasion to look forward with hope, instead of backward with suspicion.  Through that lens, the deal is a sensational triumph for much of the human race, one that could improve the security of hundreds of millions of people in America, both Koreas and Japan. It also lifts the spirits of anybody anywhere who believes in the possibility of peace on Earth…As Joe Biden said on a far less significant occasion, this is truly “a big ­f–king deal.”  He also offered a sharp break from the previous administration’s appeasement of Iran and its feckless “strategic patience” policy on North Korea, which was Obama-ese for doing nothing. Last summer, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, even urged Trump in an op-ed to “tolerate nuclear weapons in North Korea” rather than risk war.  Today, we celebrate the fact that he ignored her. And are reminded, happily, that elections have consequences.”

Ya like apples, Libs?  Well how do ya like them apples?

So, Godfather Trump clearly gave Kim an offer he couldn’t refuse…Change your behavior regarding nukes and human rights, join the world economy, and live the Life of Riley as the leader of North Korea…OR, have some Tomahawk missile fly thru your bedroom window and straight into the orifice of its choosing next Thursday.

Reminds me of Pelosi…a no brainer.

This is the first inning of the game…not the ninth.  But here’s the good news…the game has FINALLY started.  And when the ninth inning does roll around, we have President Mariano Rivera in the bullpen for the save.

Save the world, that is.



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