The Wonderful World of Winning

Tired of winning yet?  I’m not.  Feels too damn good.  500 days of winning to be exact, as of Monday June 4th.  Not just 500 days of a new sheriff in town, but ALSO 500 days that Barry H. Obama’s been OUT of office…AND 500 days Hillary Clinton hasn’t been IN office.  Yet more fodder for the winning orgy.  And speaking of winning, Friday June 1st HAD to be at least in the top 3 of winning days of The Donald’s young presidency.  Absolutely rocking economic numbers released, AND a historic White House meeting with North Korean dignitaries, that by all accounts, went quite swimmingly, thank you very much.  Allow your mind to wander for just a moment, and imagine an “unshackled” version of President Trump, with the Three Stooges of politics…Bob Mueller, The Deep State, and The Resistance Movement…off of his ass?  Winning on steroids.  

Ok, so we’re pretty much getting used to the steady flow of stellar economic numbers…which always seems to elicit a different kind of flow…that of unfettered leg wetting from haters in the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd of crazies.  Ya know, the liberal losers that have Kimberly-Clark, makers of Depends, on their speed dial.  This little summary from CNN…and I’m SURE it stuck in their proverbial craw to have to report these facts...”The jobless rate ticked down to 3.8% in May, another sign of the strong economy and tight labor market.  That tied the lowest unemployment rate since 1969. Since then, the only other time unemployment was this low was in April 2000.  The jobs report painted a picture of an economy with opportunities for almost everyone. Black unemployment fell to a record low, and the gap between black and white unemployment shrank to the narrowest ever measured.  Job openings are at a record high, and businesses are hungry for workers.”  

ACT II:  Cue Nancy Pelosi to blather some asinine, nonsensical statement… AAAAND…ACTION!...”May’s jobs report shows that strong employment numbers mean little to the families hit with soaring new costs under the Republicans’ watch.  The Republicans’ cruel, cynical health care sabotage campaign is already spiking families’ premiums by double digits and pushing millions off their coverage … Big Pharma continues to hoard the benefits of the GOP tax scam, using their handouts to further enrich executives and shareholders instead of lowering prescription drug costs for seniors and sick kids. At the same time, the President’s reckless policies are exploding gas prices, wiping out the few meager gains that some families should have received from the GOP tax scam, as wages remain stagnant.”

Huh?  This nutty broad REALLY needs to donate her “brain” to science.  And I use that term very loosely.  Those arguments are more of a stretch than Michael Moore’s waistband after a wedding buffet.  This gibberish doesn’t simply border on the absurd…it stomps all the hell over it.  It’s what you get from a Dumbocrat whose ENTIRE Party platform is “Donald Trump is the Antichrist.”  Good luck with that in 2020.

So, on the VERY SAME DAY that Trump took home the gold in the Economics Olympics, the highest of North Korean delegations…only missing the Hermit King himself…visits the White House to continue greasing the skids for the planned June 12th Singapore Soirée.  The historic nature of this planned meeting is bigger than the chip on Maxine Water’s shoulder.  Fine…we know these North Koreans are bad dudes…but isn’t this WAY better than the ramped up tensions and saber-rattling of two type-A’s arguing on Twitter over who has the biggest button? (Insert inappropriate joke here).

Wait, let me get this straight…The Socialist Loving Fake Newsers went apoplectic when Trump and Kim were sparring on Twitter about Nukes…and NOW they’re hysterical over them playing nicey-nice?  Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing!  He’s moving too fast!  He’s elevating Kim to an equal on the world stage!”  I thought these safe-spacers were all about diplomacy?  What are these Libs, the bisexuals of politics…wanting it both ways?  Gimme a break…

So, on the bright side, probably 2,389 more days of winning.  On the not-so-bright-side, maybe that many days until we find ourselves with a Democrat in the White House to F everything up again.

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