Monthly Archives: June 2018

Dems Are Out Of The Immigration Closet

In their latest inane attempt to bring down a duly elected, sitting President, the Open Border European Wannabe’s on the Left…so pathetically stupid, so ideologically bankrupt, and so unhinged by their hatred for one man with sort of orange hair, start plastering a picture all over the internet of some children sleeping inside a chain-link fence cage on a concrete floor.  THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!  WE CANNOT HAVE A NAZI AS PRESIDENT IMPRISONING CHILDREN AT THE BORDER!  IMPEACH 45!  IMPEACH 45!  IMPEACH 45!

Wait, what?  That photo was from 2014 when Barack Hussein Obama was president?


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Like Rome falling, the Hindenburg plummeting to earth in a raging inferno, or the Titanic racing to the ocean floor…the Trump-Hating Banana Republic Deep Staters in the FBI and DOJ are in the midst of a similar tragic fate…and it couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch.  Inspector General Michael Horowitz FINALLY released his report regarding the handling of the Hillary Clinton investigation during the 2016 campaign last week, and uncovered massive anti-Trump bias by FBI investigators and insubordinate behavior by self-righteous, narcissistic scumbag Jim Comey.  Even with this scathing report overflowing with a treasure trove of bias and illegalities…Horowitz punted at its conclusion, refusing to go the Full Monty and declare the Clinton investigation the complete sham that we all know it to be.   Continue reading

Godfather Trump

OK Libs…if you insist on continuing to embarrass yourselves in the most pathetic way possible…believe me, I’m fine with it.  In fact, like an open bar at a wedding…I can’t get enough.  Despite the growing Conga Line of Trump Administration achievements, the Haters not only continue to psychotically deny reality, but then they have the unbridled gall to mock him in the process.  Other that their own Un-American Socialist Lib Choir, they are convincing exactly no one.  Pelosi, Schumer, and the media puking all over a record economy and historic achievements on the international stage…eliciting bewildered looks all across flyover country, like…”What the hell are THEY talking about?”  The only thing these losers are hemorrhaging faster than votes in 2020 is their virtually non-existent credibility.  It’s 2018.  Your girlfriend Hillary left you in a crumpled heap two years ago. Big boy pants time.  Move on already.  Or at the very least, do us all a favor and double-up on your Zoloft. Continue reading

The Wonderful World of Winning

Tired of winning yet?  I’m not.  Feels too damn good.  500 days of winning to be exact, as of Monday June 4th.  Not just 500 days of a new sheriff in town, but ALSO 500 days that Barry H. Obama’s been OUT of office…AND 500 days Hillary Clinton hasn’t been IN office.  Yet more fodder for the winning orgy.  And speaking of winning, Friday June 1st HAD to be at least in the top 3 of winning days of The Donald’s young presidency.  Absolutely rocking economic numbers released, AND a historic White House meeting with North Korean dignitaries, that by all accounts, went quite swimmingly, thank you very much.  Allow your mind to wander for just a moment, and imagine an “unshackled” version of President Trump, with the Three Stooges of politics…Bob Mueller, The Deep State, and The Resistance Movement…off of his ass?  Winning on steroids.   Continue reading