Failure Fantasies of the Fake News Media

As expected, the whole North Korea denuclearization summit has already had more stops and starts than a Friday night rush hour on The 405.  And given the historically squirrely nature of the Hermit Kingdom whenever they dip their toes into the choppy waters of diplomatic negotiations…well, it was never going to be any other way.  I mean, as preparations were feverishly being worked for the scheduled June 12th summit, the North Koreans, right on cue, commenced with their ever so familiar “monkey wrench” strategy.  First, they stood up a team of American diplomats in Singapore for a scheduled pre-summit meeting…like a jilted bride left at the altar with a waterfall of black mascara cascading down her cheeks.  Then, threw a bunch of disparaging remarks at our Vice President to boot.  YUGE miscalculation.  Apparently they forgot, for the moment, who they were dealing with.

“OK guys, let’s wrap it up…I think we’re done here.”  

Welcome to Professor Trump’s Negotiating 101 class.  Lesson 1… ya gotta be willing to skedaddle.  It’s like buying a car, for God’s sake.  Trump wanted them to throw in the GPS and leather seats, they snubbed him, and he walked.  Well played.  Our previous Doormat-in-Chief, whose diplomatic efforts were regularly exploited like a drunken sorority girl during rush week, would have simply shipped a few billion of unmarked bills on some pallets to his adversary to keep things humming (see Iran Deal).  Not The Donald, mind you, who awesomely said to Kim Jong-un in a letter, and I’ll paraphrase…“You ever want to REALLY get serious about this thing, just give me a holler.  Ya got my number.”  Regular Guy Diplomacy at its finest.  Who the hell needs the “experts” anyway?  Aren’t THEY the ones who got us to this untenable point in the first place?

Trump is in good company.  You might recall that when President Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachev in Reykjavik, Iceland in the 1986 summit attempting to reach agreement on bilateral nuclear arms reductions, Reagan walked when Gorbachev was demanding restrictions on our Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI, aka Star Wars), a total show stopper for The Gipper.  Still, the progress made during that summit led to the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) a year later, for the first time eliminating an entire class of nuclear weapons.  The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) was then signed a few years later during President H.W Bush’s term.

Remember this little bit of history when the media declares, with merry delight, this whole endeavor an abysmal failure three nanoseconds after President Trump crosses the threshold onto Air Force One to jet back to DC.

So, almost as quickly as Trump put the kibosh on the June 12th summit, it was just as quickly back on track.  And in the process, Trump makes the media look like blithering fools…total sport for The Donald, these days.  Once again falling all over themselves to mock, ridicule, and declare Trump the biggest buffoon and failure on the planet, we endured the usual leg-wetting headlines from the bladder-control challenged failure mongers in the fake news media. This headline, sported proudly by the Lefties at USA Today...”North Korea Summit Collapses in a Chaotic End to Donald Trump’s Bad Idea.”  Until it didn’t.  Like Lucy holding the football as Charlie Brown races up to kick it…and it’s pulled it away at the last second.  The pathetic media, flat on its ass.  And the President, laughing so hysterically that he can hardly take a bite of his Big Mac.

Not to be outdone by her Trump-Hating brethren in the snowflake media, Nutbag Nancy Pelosi…who, along with her buddy Chuckie Schumer…the Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumbass of Congress…spewed similar sentiments, triumphantly cheering perceived failure for America.  This from Nincompoop Nancy…“And when he (Kim) got this letter from the president, saying, “OK, never mind,” he must be having a giggle fit, right there, now, in North Korea…And now, he’s walking away from it in this very chummy, palsy-walsy letter to Kim Jong Un.  He, Kim Jong Un, is the big winner.”  Earth to Nancy…the ones having giggle fits are the whole country every time you open your big, stupid, incoherent yap.

Quite frankly…and you name the issue…the overt, enthusiastic rooting for President Trump…and by extension, America…to fail…is as disgustingly un-American as it gets.   Sorry, but like a grizzled old umpire, I calls ’em like I sees ’em.  And by the way…Republicans NEVER wished for Obama to fail.  Don’t even go there, Libs.  The nonsensical, illogical, and Socialistic liberal policy agenda…like the Cleveland Browns…is perpetually destined for failure.  No wishing or cheering required.

Just a knowing grin.






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