Daily Archives: May 30, 2018

Failure Fantasies of the Fake News Media

As expected, the whole North Korea denuclearization summit has already had more stops and starts than a Friday night rush hour on The 405.  And given the historically squirrely nature of the Hermit Kingdom whenever they dip their toes into the choppy waters of diplomatic negotiations…well, it was never going to be any other way.  I mean, as preparations were feverishly being worked for the scheduled June 12th summit, the North Koreans, right on cue, commenced with their ever so familiar “monkey wrench” strategy.  First, they stood up a team of American diplomats in Singapore for a scheduled pre-summit meeting…like a jilted bride left at the altar with a waterfall of black mascara cascading down her cheeks.  Then, threw a bunch of disparaging remarks at our Vice President to boot.  YUGE miscalculation.  Apparently they forgot, for the moment, who they were dealing with.

“OK guys, let’s wrap it up…I think we’re done here.”   Continue reading