Daily Archives: May 21, 2018

Truth Be Damned

There’s such an absolute mountain of monumental crap going on, that my head is spinning like I just took a whirl on The Magic Kingdom Tea Cups after some binge drinking.  Let’s see…extricating ourselves from that horrendously worthless and dangerous Iran deal, which from the get-go was nothing but a legacy Hail Mary for BHO, that has ultimately…and mercifully…rolled harmlessly away in the political end zone.  All for the bargain basement price of $150 Billion in unmarked bills.  Then there’s that little matter of an upcoming summit with the North Koreans than could result in denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula…which has eluded multiple administrations over the past few decades.  Oh yeah, almost forgot…moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to the capital of Jerusalem.  The past three Presidents didn’t have the collective cojones to make THAT happen…despite their firm promises to do so.  Phew!  A frenetic pace, for sure.  All in a day’s work for our Energizer Bunny-In-Chief. Continue reading