Norway’s Nobel Nightmare

Norway…HERE WE COME!  Huh?  Well, Norway…Oslo, specifically, is where the Nobel Peace Price is awarded.  I know, I know, calm down…to suggest President Trump might snag this prestigious award is a tad premature…but ginormously within the realm of possibility.  I mean, if this guy is successful in brokering some sort of peace deal between North and South Korea, AND verifiable disarmament of North Korea’s nuclear program…slam dunk, right?  The Art of the Deal?  To quote Sarah Palin, a favorite punching bag of those phony Leftist “champions” of women…”You Betcha!”  Not counting my chickens, mind you, but how about that image of The Pillsbury Dough Boy of Pyongyang, Kim Jung Un, lumbering across the border into South Korea, grinning ear to ear as he embraced South Korean President Moon Jae-in?  In Trump World, that’s what you call “winning,” my friends.  Charlie Sheen is somewhere celebrating…

I’m sorry, but for me, the thought of The Donald being awarded a Nobel Peace Prize elicits a sort of splendid unbridled giddiness that I can only liken to my beloved NY Mets winning a World Series…been a long 32 years, and counting…Ugh.  Arguably even greater, though, would be the pure joy of watching liberal heads explode…like Gallagher smashing watermelons…all around the globe as they painfully witness President Trump accepting the Nobel Peace Prize.  Election night all over again…sheer rapture.  Republican Senator from South Carolina Lindsey Graham agrees…“President Trump, if he can lead us to ending the Korean War after 70 years and getting North Korea to give up their nuclear program in a verifiable way, deserves the Nobel Peace Prize and then some.  I want to be there.  It may be the first time the Nobel Peace Prize was given and there was mass casualties because I think a lot of liberals would kill themselves if they did that.”  Love that quote…especially the last part.  Hey, a guy can dream, can’t he?

So…if Trump does pull off the impossible…would the Nobel Committee dare NOT bestow this award upon him?  Let’s be candid…the Socialists on this committee make Bernie Sanders look more like Mike Pence on the ideological continuum.   So, could they possibly even bring themselves to drape this award on a guy they surely despise?  As much as it would trigger their collective gag reflex like a poorly administered strep test, they would really have no choice.  That is, if they desire to maintain even the slightest modicum of legitimacy.

Here’s what I mean…consider the following excerpt, snipped directly from Nobel’s own website, on the 2009 winner…The Nobel Peace Prize 2009 was awarded to Barack H. Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”  Complete joke.  Reporting at the time even suggested Obama himself was embarrassed by it.  I mean, they didn’t even TRY to make up something that didn’t sound totally vague and contrived.  Obama won a few months after getting elected, basically for…well, getting elected, and giving a speech about outreach to the Muslim world.  Or something.  And how about Gas Bag Alarmist Al Gore winning in 2007 for wailing about global warming.  By the way Al…sewer rats aside, Manhattan is STILL above water.

So here we are…potentially on the verge of a historic breakthrough, completely and uniquely instigated by President Trump, and the resistance-mongers and deniers over at CNN, MSNBC, and the major networks continue to soil their Tommy Johns over Russia and Stormy Daniels.  Breathtaking journalistic incompetence.  Period.  So, while the mainstream media irretrievably pissed away their own credibility long ago, Trump is quite generously offering the Nobel Committee a lifeline to save theirs.  They ought to grab it like they’re bobbing around in the ocean outside the Titanic.

I’ll close with a great little dissertation from Charles Hurt of the Washington Times…“North Korea’s entreaties for peace would have been unimaginable under previous administrations.  And while Mr. Trump is properly cautious about any real success, only the stingiest, most deluded partisan hack would not be pleased right now.  Forgive me for my own rumpled priorities.  Saving tens of millions of fellow humans from annihilation in a nuclear holocaust would be great and all.  But my favorite part about Mr. Trump ushering in peace on the Korean Peninsula would be watching those pious goats in Norway have to hand over a Nobel Peace Prize to New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump!  Unlike past Nobel Prize winners Yasser Arafat, Jimmy Carter, Albert Gore and Barack Obama, Mr. Trump will have actually accomplished something.”

No biggie…Just Making Korea Great Again.

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