Daily Archives: May 2, 2018

Norway’s Nobel Nightmare

Norway…HERE WE COME!  Huh?  Well, Norway…Oslo, specifically, is where the Nobel Peace Price is awarded.  I know, I know, calm down…to suggest President Trump might snag this prestigious award is a tad premature…but ginormously within the realm of possibility.  I mean, if this guy is successful in brokering some sort of peace deal between North and South Korea, AND verifiable disarmament of North Korea’s nuclear program…slam dunk, right?  The Art of the Deal?  To quote Sarah Palin, a favorite punching bag of those phony Leftist “champions” of women…”You Betcha!”  Not counting my chickens, mind you, but how about that image of The Pillsbury Dough Boy of Pyongyang, Kim Jung Un, lumbering across the border into South Korea, grinning ear to ear as he embraced South Korean President Moon Jae-in?  In Trump World, that’s what you call “winning,” my friends.  Charlie Sheen is somewhere celebrating… Continue reading