Hail Mary

Sometimes it seems, at least to me, that the Democrats do what they do…simply for my amusement.  It IS all about me, after all.  Sure, you have your normal, garden variety, Lib policy gibberish that never fails to make me LMAO.  Things like, ya know, high taxes and onerous regulations make for an awesome economy…open borders actually makes us safer, and only bigoted racists are against them, say the sanctuary city, screw sovereignty crowd…it’s a great idea to hand over a few trillion to some Eurotrash bureaucrat alarmists in the name of flimsy, often altered, global warming data…fighting Islamic Terrorism by the Obama brainchild of being nicer to them and improving their…um…job prospects?  LOL!  STOP!  NO MORE!  UNCLE!  I CAN’T BREATHE!  That’s side-splitting shit for yours truly…

So, last week’s desperate move by the DNC in filing a civil lawsuit against President Trump’s campaign, Russia, Wikileaks, a whole bunch of random individuals, and a kitchen sink or two…alleging some sort of vast (right-wing?) conspiracy to rig the election for Trump…is a political punchline worthy of inclusion in Chris Rock’s stand-up.  Uh…am I in a coma, or haven’t we already been suffering through a bogus and illegitimately conceived Special Counsel investigation, and multiple investigative committees in Congress examining Russian collusion for like, the past 18 months…that have delivered nothing except to fuel the impeachment wet dreams of the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd?  These litigious leftist lunatics are later to the party than the dude who shows up 30 minutes after last call.

To the untrained eye, this simply looks like a Hail Mary of epic proportion by the mental patients over at the DNC…the political equivalent of Doug Flutie connecting with Gerard Phelan to win the 1984 Orange Bowl…the pinnacle of Hail Mary’s, in my humble opinion.  Or is there something, ya know…MORE, going on here?  Cue the suspenseful music…

When Buzz Lightyear exclaimed, “TO INFINITY…AND BEYOND!,” he was having a premonition about the Russia collusion probe.  I mean, this is dragging on longer than some crappy, three-hour artsy French flick with subtitles in a theater with no A/C and sticky floors.  Just make it stop.  Clearly, the DNC (a.k.a, the Captain Obvious of Ulterior Motives) takes us all for blithering idiots.  This, from Michael Goodwin of the NY Post…“The suit’s flamboyant charges made headlines, but that only served to obscure the real meaning.  Namely, that top Dems are giving up their fantasies that special counsel Robert Mueller will deliver them from political purgatory by getting the goods on Trump.  The trashy suit is their way of trying to keep impeachment and Russia, Russia, Russia alive for the midterms in case Mueller’s probe comes up empty.”

While Mr. Goodwin is spot on, as usual…I’ll go even further.  Anyone with a lousy law degree can easily drag this crap right into the 2020 election cycle, and long after the Mueller probe will have mercifully taken its last pathetic breath.  AND use it as a distraction against the inevitable Perp Walk Parade of ex-Obama officials who fraudulently instigated this whole Russia Collusion charade, and lied under oath as often as Nancy Pelosi forgets what planet she’s on.

Even some of the more “moderate” Dems…clearly a rare breed flirting with extinction…are giving this garbage lawsuit the stink eye.  As reported in a Townhall article this week, the Democrats “…see this as a bunch of baloney. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) called the whole affair a “silly distraction.” Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) said this was an “ill-conceived” exercise, and that she does not support it.”  Good for them…although, even a broken clock hits the mark a couple of times a day.

In the end, this is yet another chapter in Liberal Utopia’s #1 bestseller, “Sabotaging Elections For Dummies,” featuring popular sections, like “Basket of Deplorables” and “Tax Cut Crumbs.”  I mean, who knew when Bugs Bunny uttered the phrase, “What a Maroon!” he was referring not to Yosemite Sam, but to the Democrat Party.

I can only surmise that the folks tasked with making political ads for the GOP in 2020 are licking their chops like Michael Moore sidling up to a side of beef.

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