Daily Archives: April 26, 2018

Hail Mary

Sometimes it seems, at least to me, that the Democrats do what they do…simply for my amusement.  It IS all about me, after all.  Sure, you have your normal, garden variety, Lib policy gibberish that never fails to make me LMAO.  Things like, ya know, high taxes and onerous regulations make for an awesome economy…open borders actually makes us safer, and only bigoted racists are against them, say the sanctuary city, screw sovereignty crowd…it’s a great idea to hand over a few trillion to some Eurotrash bureaucrat alarmists in the name of flimsy, often altered, global warming data…fighting Islamic Terrorism by the Obama brainchild of being nicer to them and improving their…um…job prospects?  LOL!  STOP!  NO MORE!  UNCLE!  I CAN’T BREATHE!  That’s side-splitting shit for yours truly… Continue reading