Animals and Slimeballs

I knew I was going to regret this.  I just KNEW it.  I did something at the end of last week’s blog post that I had never done previously.  I referenced three items that had just popped up in the news, and as a “sneak peek,” indicated my intent to bloviate about said items.  The political blogging equivalent of the dating world…ya know, sometimes something better comes along.  What can I say…I have quite the wandering eye when it comes to the 24/7 news cycle.  Anyway, I AM sticking with one of the items I mentioned last week, so there IS that…


Wouldn’t you love to have been a fly on the wall when President Trump’s massively competent War Team was offering options on exactly what kind of Holy Hell they were going to unleash on that sub-human piece of excrement over in Syria, so affectionately and accurately referred to as Animal Assad by Our Nicknamer-In-Chief.  This, of course, in response to Assad’s unacceptable use of chemical weapons.  Really, the military version of Let’s Make A Deal…with apologies to Monty Hall, may he rest in peace.  

Behind Door Number 1…Do Nothing.  Bahahaha…a total non-starter…unless your name is Barry “I was just kidding about that red line” Obama.  Behind Door Number 2…A total shock and awe campaign, consequences be damned.  Hmmm…tempting, but sometimes in life you have to begrudgingly restrain from risky behavior that you know damn well will only feel good “in the moment.”  Lastly, behind Door Number 3…something in the middle…a surgical, precision type of approach that would seriously degrade Assad’s ability to deliver a chemical weapons attack…with no collateral damage.  And, a pretty strong coalition of supporting countries to boot.  “Hmmm…Monty, I think I’ll take Door Number 3.  Um…will I also be getting that lifetime supply of Rice-A-Roni?”

So, message delivered…and then some.  The biggest concern about going TOO hard was Syria’s puppet master Russia’s reaction.  As against civilized norms and instigating of red lines as chemical weapons are…we’re just not looking to start World War 3 over this, ya know?  Although the majority of folks seemed to support the rather measured, yet effective, military response, there were still plenty of leg-wetting critics on the Left, and in the Media.  Too weak of a response, too much of a response, Congress needed to approve, that sort of stuff.  Mostly…and predictably…from Trump haters, so…Jimmy Crack Corn…

Then there’s MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow…reportedly the original inspiration for barf bags…and a guy I hate more than an unfortunately located rash.  Comrade Maddow had the unbridled audacity to float the “Wag The Dog” Theory…ya know, Trump OK’d this bombing to distract from the litany of fake and/or salacious news stories perpetrated by the Trump-hating media…the Russia investigation, Stormy Daniels, yada, yada.  Oh sure, France & the U.K., not what you would call YUGE Trump fans by any stretch, were accomplices to the whole diversionary scam, right?  Beyond asinine.  Shameful idiot doesn’t begin to describe this smug Socialist nitwit.

The Slimeball Book Tour

You have to admit one thing about President Trump’s nicknaming of his adversaries.  He nails it every friggin’ time…just NAILS it.  I mean, is there a better nickname for fired FBI Director Jim Comey than Slimeball?  This shameless, self-promoting narcissist…who clearly MUST have P.T. Barnum lurking SOMEWHERE in his lineage…has lied under oath, leaked classified information to the press, led corrupt investigations, and now written a book where he talks about Trump’s small hands, tanning goggle lines, calls him a “mob boss,” and speculates about his marriage.  A literary landfill that would make your local garbage dump green with envy.  This Prince of Pomposity, self-serving, sanctimonious scumbag’s height (he’s 6’7″) is only exceeded by his bullshit self-righteous moral superiority.

Ahhhh…Yes…I DO feel better.  Much.

Or as The Donald so aptly and concisely describes…simply…a Slimeball.

Oh, and one of my go-to political writers seems to share my Comey sentiments.  From Charles Hurt of the Washington Times…“First, he made a devastating case for prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her reckless disregard for national secrets using her illegal bathroom email server. Yet, in the same press conference, announced he was giving her a pass on all of her crimes…We have since learned that he and the entire cabal of Clinton cronies at the FBI and Department of Justice rigged not only that investigation but also the separate investigation into the Clinton FoundationBut screwing multiple people at the same time is not the only similarity between Stormy Daniels and “Slimeball” ComeyIn the end, Jim “Lyin’ Leakin’ Nasty Giraffe” Comey — code-named “Slimeball” — is nothing more than a stripper without a pole. He is a porn star, minus the talent or the looks.  I really do hate to denigrate strippers and porn stars by comparing any of them to Jim Comey.  But there really is no other way to describe the political peep show going on in America right now.” 

Love that.

And now, every Democrat on the planet who blamed Comey for Hillary’s epic fail and screamed for his head, are now kissing his corrupt, lying ass.  The breathtaking liberal hypocrisy…a term steeped in glowing redundancy…never ends.

Trump Derangement Syndrome makes for very strange bedfellows, doesn’t it?



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