Daily Archives: April 12, 2018


If you wasted your precious time listening to the liberal mainstream media numb nuts, you would think that other than Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump’s impending impeachment, and his alleged affinity for porn stars (uh, join the club)…everything in the world was just hunky-dory.  The American public, en masse, CAN’T be THAT stupid.  Even liberals…Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters notwithstanding.  I mean, they are to stupid, what Queen Elizabeth is to royalty.  Anyway, as the weekly conveyor belt of issues accelerates like the parade of chocolates in that classic I Love Lucy episode, the AWOL media MUST be somewhere over in Moscow dropping acid, basking in Trump impeachment hallucinations…’cause they aren’t here doing their friggin’ jobs, that’s for DAMN sure… Continue reading