Census Citizenship Silliness

I never tire of listening to leftist politicians and talking heads concoct inane arguments on just about every issue under the sun.  And look you straight in the eye doing it.  You pick the issue, and they’ll spew some policy gibberish driven solely by ideological bent, and lacking in logic, coherence, and often, legality…in a George Costanza-esqe “it’s not a lie if you believe it” sorta way.  The poster child for this nonsense, of course, are the various aspects of the immigration debate.  Ya know, little things like securing the border, voter ID laws, sanctuary cities, the census.  The census?  How in the hell has the once a decade census caused so much political angst?  With apologies to Alex Trebek, that can be answered easily in the form of a question, Jeopardy-style...Are you a citizen?

Hmmm…seems like an easy, simple, and quite benign question, right?   On the contrary…at least for the legion of leg-wetting looney Libs, who view THAT particular query as not only worthy of secrecy, but racist, bigoted, anti-immigrant, anti-Hispanic…and in a PC shout out to our female and gay illegal immigrant friends…probably misogynistic and homophobic too.  Phew!  Always nice to dispense of the inevitable name calling right from the get-go.   Anyway, as Charles Hurt of the Washington Times opines, “Only in Washington would it be a scandal for the government to ask a person who wants to be represented in Congress if they are an actual U.S. citizen.  That there are elected public officials out there publicly denouncing the Census Bureau for wanting to ask the simple question reveals just how utterly unserious political leadership in America has become today.”

So, like everything else in life…particularly politics…this debate comes down to the all too familiar dynamic duo of money and power.  Shocker.  And not a bleeding heart to be found anywhere.   Just like their favorite 95% voting block, African-Americans, illegal aliens are nothing more than tools and useful idiots of the left. Sorry Libs…truth hurts, I know.  So in a nutshell…the census end game is to quantify how many congressional districts are apportioned to each state (representation in the House, equal to electoral votes).  Oh yeah, AND the divvying up of federal funding sent to the states.  Yep, pretty important crap by any measure.

Remarkably, the political leaders out in the land of fruits and nuts…as Archie Bunker used to so affectionately refer to California…have the gall to sue the Trump Administration over simply asking people if they are citizens?  And copycat lawsuits by other blue states popping up like dandelions in a little league outfield.  These maniacs wail that the citizenship question will cause illegals to deep six the whole census, thereby resulting in a depressed population count, and a loss of both representation in the House and federal funding.  To quote the great John McEnroe…”YOU CAN’T BE SERIOUS!”  Call me crazy…and many people do…but me thinks California is over-represented by counting illegals, and is showered with too many federal funds as a result.  I mean, why the hell should illegal aliens, who are ALL lawbreakers, even be in that equation…AT ALL?  The proverbial sixty-four dollar question.

And don’t be snookered by the nutcake leftists frantically waving a 2016 Supreme Court ruling in your face that says states may apportion congressional districts based on total population, not just eligible (citizen) voters.  The Supremes pretty much channeled their inner Ray Guy and punted on that one, as they also ruled that other methods of apportionment might be constitutional as well.  So, the door is open for saner heads to prevail and eliminate the asinine empowerment of law-breaking illegal aliens in our political system.

Hey, no one loves the Founding Fathers more than I do…but different times sometimes require different constitutional interpretations.  Case in point…slaves were originally counted as three-fifths of a person for the purpose of congressional representation.  Different era, different standards, appalling in 2018 nonetheless.  Ok, but the Civil War and 14th amendment fixed all that.  Similarly, the authors of the Constitution declaring all “persons” be counted in determining representation regardless of citizenship SURELY had no idea we’d reach a magnitude where doing so would result unfairly in the diluted representation of ACTUAL citizens.  Oops.  Doesn’t pass the smell test anymore…capiche?

In closing, some additional wisdom from Charles Hurt…“Aside from their unshakable romance with lawlessness, these ridiculous leftist politicians see illegals as future indentured voters.  And they want them to be counted just as American citizens to increase their own representation in Congress.  In the end, if you cannot ask a person living in this country if they are a citizen, then what does it even mean any more to be an American citizen?”

Indeed.  Creepy blank stares from the leftist open border crowd on THAT question.

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