Daily Archives: April 5, 2018

Census Citizenship Silliness

I never tire of listening to leftist politicians and talking heads concoct inane arguments on just about every issue under the sun.  And look you straight in the eye doing it.  You pick the issue, and they’ll spew some policy gibberish driven solely by ideological bent, and lacking in logic, coherence, and often, legality…in a George Costanza-esqe “it’s not a lie if you believe it” sorta way.  The poster child for this nonsense, of course, are the various aspects of the immigration debate.  Ya know, little things like securing the border, voter ID laws, sanctuary cities, the census.  The census?  How in the hell has the once a decade census caused so much political angst?  With apologies to Alex Trebek, that can be answered easily in the form of a question, Jeopardy-style...Are you a citizen? Continue reading