Monthly Archives: April 2018

Hail Mary

Sometimes it seems, at least to me, that the Democrats do what they do…simply for my amusement.  It IS all about me, after all.  Sure, you have your normal, garden variety, Lib policy gibberish that never fails to make me LMAO.  Things like, ya know, high taxes and onerous regulations make for an awesome economy…open borders actually makes us safer, and only bigoted racists are against them, say the sanctuary city, screw sovereignty crowd…it’s a great idea to hand over a few trillion to some Eurotrash bureaucrat alarmists in the name of flimsy, often altered, global warming data…fighting Islamic Terrorism by the Obama brainchild of being nicer to them and improving their…um…job prospects?  LOL!  STOP!  NO MORE!  UNCLE!  I CAN’T BREATHE!  That’s side-splitting shit for yours truly… Continue reading

Animals and Slimeballs

I knew I was going to regret this.  I just KNEW it.  I did something at the end of last week’s blog post that I had never done previously.  I referenced three items that had just popped up in the news, and as a “sneak peek,” indicated my intent to bloviate about said items.  The political blogging equivalent of the dating world…ya know, sometimes something better comes along.  What can I say…I have quite the wandering eye when it comes to the 24/7 news cycle.  Anyway, I AM sticking with one of the items I mentioned last week, so there IS that… Continue reading


If you wasted your precious time listening to the liberal mainstream media numb nuts, you would think that other than Russia, Russia, Russia, Trump’s impending impeachment, and his alleged affinity for porn stars (uh, join the club)…everything in the world was just hunky-dory.  The American public, en masse, CAN’T be THAT stupid.  Even liberals…Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters notwithstanding.  I mean, they are to stupid, what Queen Elizabeth is to royalty.  Anyway, as the weekly conveyor belt of issues accelerates like the parade of chocolates in that classic I Love Lucy episode, the AWOL media MUST be somewhere over in Moscow dropping acid, basking in Trump impeachment hallucinations…’cause they aren’t here doing their friggin’ jobs, that’s for DAMN sure… Continue reading

Census Citizenship Silliness

I never tire of listening to leftist politicians and talking heads concoct inane arguments on just about every issue under the sun.  And look you straight in the eye doing it.  You pick the issue, and they’ll spew some policy gibberish driven solely by ideological bent, and lacking in logic, coherence, and often, legality…in a George Costanza-esqe “it’s not a lie if you believe it” sorta way.  The poster child for this nonsense, of course, are the various aspects of the immigration debate.  Ya know, little things like securing the border, voter ID laws, sanctuary cities, the census.  The census?  How in the hell has the once a decade census caused so much political angst?  With apologies to Alex Trebek, that can be answered easily in the form of a question, Jeopardy-style...Are you a citizen? Continue reading