Over My Dead Body

You could see the disgust dripping from his face.  It was palpable.  To obtain the desperately needed funding for the military after several years of getting decimated by sequestration, President Trump begrudgingly…and that’s an understatement…signed the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill.  Oh yeah…and just a trickle of funding for the big, beautiful wall on the southern border…pack’em in, get’em drivers licenses, then directions to the polls, eh Libs?  Anyway, upon signing, Trump said, “There are a lot of things I’m unhappy about in this bill. There are a lot of things we shouldn’t have had in this bill but we were, in a sense, forced [to] if we want to build our military, we were forced to have.”  But I say to Congress, I will never sign another bill like this again. I’m not going to do it again.”  And disbelieve him at your own risk.  OK, the swamp won…THIS time.  I wish he’d have said “over my dead body.”  But considering the violent nature of the wacky far left these days (see Steve Scalise), probably better off not giving anyone in the Trump Derangement Syndrome crowd of crazies any ideas…

The good news, I suppose, is that this spending bill is good for only six months, to be wrangled over again in September.  President Trump actually threatened to veto this monstrosity at the eleventh-hour, sending Congress and the Media into an absolute leg-wetting tizzy…Trump TV at its best.  “Will he or won’t he?  STAY TUNED!  Now a word from our sponsors.”  But Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis, presumably reiterating to President Trump the absolute dire straits the military is in, channeled that 1969 Woody Allen flick, “Take The Money and Run.” 

Even having to swallow this gigantic horse pill, he did the right thing.  Trump was obviously pissed beyond belief…and rightly so.  I mean, he’s NOT a guy who likes having his hands tied…at least…um…politically speaking.  September’s gonna be a bloodbath…and RIGHT before the mid-terms too.  THAT political drama will be every bit as worthy of a binge-watch as Breaking Bad. 

Deplorables, Part Deux

Every time I write ANYTHING about Has-Been Hillary these days, I’m overwhelmingly disgusted with myself.  Let me just get it over with so I can immediately go scrub the Clinton stink off in a piping hot shower.  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Hillary’s over in India…presumably because nobody in this country can stand listening to her fat ass bloviate on her endless excuse tour…and actually EXCEEDED her previous “Basket of Deplorables” schtick.   No…really.  I’m sure you’ve seen it, but it’s just so delectably stupid, offensive, and out-of-touch, it’s well worth the rewind.  Speaking of Trump voters…“You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs, you don’t want to see that Indian-American succeeding more than you are, whatever your problem is … He stirred that up.”  What. A. Dumbass. Moron.  By the way, the so-called “deplorables” wear it as a badge of honor…yet another Clinton strategy that failed miserably.

As if THAT wasn’t enough to boil your nuts, Clinton also skillfully delivered this kick in the crotch to white women Trump voters, saying some caved to “ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”  Well, THAT set the women’s movement back 50 years, don’t ya think?  So every woman who voted for Trump is June Cleaver.  Got it.  Jesus, what a pathetic loser.  Even the Dems are going through contortions to distance themselves from this dolt…more toxic than the 350 pound dude who just won a burrito eating contest sitting next to you on a packed flight.  I mean, the entire Democrat party, DNC, and Deep State apparatus unequivocally tried to rig the election and drag her oversized caboose over the finish line…the very same rear end they kissed for decades.  So, the “disavowing” act ain’t gonna work…sorry Libs.  You’re sporting that scarlet “H” like Mike Tyson’s face tat.  Deal with it.

Stormy?  More Like a Drizzle…

Like rubbernecking after a Toyota flipped into a ditch on the interstate, I just couldn’t look away.  I was drawn to the Stormy Daniels 60 Minutes interview like the Congressional Black Caucus to a Louis Farrakhan speech.  Not proud of it, mind you.  Nope.  It’s just that I’m a weak, weak, man.  So I’ll make this as brief as possible for our collective sanity…

First, the only people who care about this are the Trump hating impeachment mongers whose only purpose in life is to remove him from office by any means necessary…and I mean ANY. What…12 years ago Trump maybe banged a porn star?  Once?  You mean this billionaire playboy reality TV star, who cheated on his multiple wives?  More than a decade before even running for President?  And he STILL got elected?  THAT guy?  Uh…ok.

Secondly…who knew the legendary 60 Minutes folks were such unapologetic ratings whores?  C’mon, they would have been much better served to leave this embarrassing interview to their faux journalist brethren over at CNN or MSNBC…both of whom lost their own credibility years ago.  And did you get a load of Stormy’s sleaze ball lawyer?  I thought I was watching an SNL skit. The only surprise in that whole friggin’ interview was that creep lawyer not sprinting out of the studio to go chase an ambulance.  Poor Mike Wallace is doing somersaults in his grave.  Nice job, 60 Minutes!

Finally…and quite predictably…it’s been reported that Bill Clinton had no comment.

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