The Jig Is Up

Am I the ONLY one completely torqued by this?  We’re all too well aware of the breathtaking double standards and hypocrisy of the Democrats and Lib Media.  While these partisan putzes continue to babble incoherently about non-existent Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, they cavalierly whitewash what is clearly Watergate on more steroids than a Russian Olympic weightlifter…through Deep State stonewalling and snowflake media complicity.  But like a shabbily built Schwinn, the wheels are completely coming off…finally.  FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a proud Deep-Stater, was fired…not by Trump as the Media likes to insinuate…but by the FBI’s own apolitical disciplinary arm, The Office of Professional Responsibility.  He “abruptly” stepped down from his post earlier in the year…hmmm…but technically remained an FBI employee.  Now he’s officially canned…two days BEFORE his massive pension would have fallen into his lap, presumably being stripped of it…an epic financial kick in the nads…OUCH!  

So, the first shoe has now dropped like the New Year’s Eve ball in Times Square…right on McCabe’s head.  I mean, he ONLY leaked classified details of an investigation to the press…then lied…UNDER OATH…about it multiple times.  They “officially”…and laughably…call it “lacking candor.”  A euphemism for LYING, of course.  Major eye roll.  Jesus, call it what it is.  We can take it.  And trust me on this one…there is a long line of Deep-Staters right behind him.  A “queue,” as our friends in the UK like to call it.  If you or I had done that?  We’d be in a cell in Leavenworth yesterday.  And NO conjugal visits either.  Ugh.

So as the media continues to fixate on the Mueller investigation like a mental patient because of their Russian collusion hallucinations, the one to watch is the Inspector General (IG) report coming out soon.  That’s the REAL investigation that fingered McCabe on his wrongdoings, and will expose what I expect to be an orgy of illegalities perpetrated by not only the higher-ups in the FBI and DOJ, but the Obama Administration.  And THIS investigation, which presumably goes a long way to exposing the whole destroy Trump scam, has been…for painfully obvious reasons…completely whitewashed by the media…except when they’re in a frisky enough mood to tell you it’s all a nonsensical GOP conspiracy theory.  These rat bastards are gonna fall harder than Wheelchair Granny when Paul Ryan shoved her off the cliff.

Clearly, Obama is at the epicenter of all this like the body of an octopus, surrounded by a slew of corrupt tentacles.  As Michael Goodwin of the NY Post describes, “McCabe is among the top law enforcement officials and others in Barack Obama’s administration who appear to have used their official powers to try to prevent or undermine Trump’s presidency, yet there is no single investigation focused on this dark chapter in American life. This politicized double standard must end.” 

Unfortunately, the Inspector General cannot compel individuals no longer in government to be interviewed…hence, the need for a second Special Counsel to nail these subversives to the wall. On this specific point, Goodwin writes, “Although the inspector general of the Justice Department was the first to flag McCabe’s “lack of candor” when asked about a media leak, McCabe would not be required even to answer the IG’s questions after he retired.  The same is true for former FBI Director James Comey despite serious suspicions about his conduct.  Similarly, top Obama officials, such as James Clapper, Susan Rice, John Brennan and Loretta Lynch, who likely played various dirty tricks against Trump, are no longer subject to internal probes.  A criminal investigation, then, is the only way to find out who did what, and to connect the dots between various agencies, such as the FBI and State Department, that reportedly worked secretly to help elect Hillary Clinton.”

The old saying, “patience is a virtue” applies here.  And we’re gonna need a crapload of it, because this whole exposing of corruption and subversion will surely proceed slower than Hillary dragging her fat ass out of bed in the morning.  But proceed it will…because what these crooked SOB’s have done is the worst kept secret on the planet.  It really was the perfect scheme, though…all the way until The Hildabeast got electorally shellacked in 2016.

Well, you know what they say about best-laid plans…

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