Daily Archives: March 22, 2018

The Jig Is Up

Am I the ONLY one completely torqued by this?  We’re all too well aware of the breathtaking double standards and hypocrisy of the Democrats and Lib Media.  While these partisan putzes continue to babble incoherently about non-existent Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, they cavalierly whitewash what is clearly Watergate on more steroids than a Russian Olympic weightlifter…through Deep State stonewalling and snowflake media complicity.  But like a shabbily built Schwinn, the wheels are completely coming off…finally.  FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, a proud Deep-Stater, was fired…not by Trump as the Media likes to insinuate…but by the FBI’s own apolitical disciplinary arm, The Office of Professional Responsibility.  He “abruptly” stepped down from his post earlier in the year…hmmm…but technically remained an FBI employee.  Now he’s officially canned…two days BEFORE his massive pension would have fallen into his lap, presumably being stripped of it…an epic financial kick in the nads…OUCH!   Continue reading