Daily Archives: March 14, 2018

Korea…And Porn Stars?

The spectacularly crisp “about-face” performed by the fake news media schlubs in the wake of the stunning offer by North Korea’s rotund little Dictator Kim Jong Un to meet directly with President Trump to discuss denuclearization was nothing short of impressive.  Amazingly, many in the mainstream media actually praised The Donald initially over this unexpected development.  Predictably, though, they all seemingly caught themselves, as if to avoid slamming into the cold cement after slipping on a banana peel.  I mean, even one of the resident Libs over at CNN, anchor Erin Burnett, said that Trump would go down as a “great president” if he could solve the North Korea problem.  Such fleeting praise from the Lefty Media, of course, lasted about as long as Michael Moore at an all-you-can-eat tofu bar. Continue reading