Controlled Chaos

I’ve been thinking…has there been a single week during Trump’s presidency that was even CLOSE to being, ya know, sorta chill?  Jesus, I can’t even say that out loud without laughing.  I think The Donald would call it “controlled chaos.”  That is, controlled for him…chaos for everyone else.  It’s like he throws the entire world into a blender, and hits “purée.”  And last week, it seemingly drove out his closest confidant…other than his own family…White House Communications Director, Hope Hicks.  Sure, she resigned a day after she testified for several hours in the Mueller investigation, but she had signaled wanting to leave the frenetic pace of Trump World long before that.  She’d been with him during the entire campaign and before that, after all.  Of course, the Lib media tried to glean something nefarious between the two events because…well…their fake news reporting reflects things as they wish them to be, not as they are.  The Media, it seems, are the REAL Dreamers…

But let’s be candid…instead of being an absolutely stunning 29-year-old woman who looks like what you’d get if Cindy Crawford and Christie Brinkley had a kid (poetic license, stay with me here), it was a fat, bald, and disheveled 60-year-old dude…nary an eyebrow would be raised.  Call that sexist all you want.  But it’s true.  24/7 Hope TV.  I can think of worse things…

Anyway, here are a few items from the past week that caught my eye…other than Hope Hicks, that is…

The Tariff Tease

President Trump really tapped the ant hill last week…the timing of which even surprised his own people…by announcing his desire to institute tariffs of 25% and 10%, respectively, on steel and aluminum imports.  C’mon people…have we not learned ANYTHING in the past 14 months?  This is classic Trump.  Drop a verbal bomb that creates chaos, then sit back and enjoy the show. And here, as in most cases, it’s simply a negotiating ploy…articulate what will surely be perceived as an extreme position at the get-go, then you have plenty of wiggle room in a negotiation.  The Art of the Deal?  Remember?

And lo and behold…it JUST so happens we are in the throes of renegotiating NAFTA with Mexico and Canada…and the biggest exporter of steel into the U.S is…drumroll please…CANADA!  Are we all getting this yet?  Here’s who ISN’T getting it…Congress, the Media, Economists, etc., all of whom are having a bigger hissy-fit over this than Hillary after she found Hound Dog Bill’s little black book in the laundry.

So while the leg-wetters are busy slipping into a dry pair of Depends, I’m just gonna sit back, enjoy Professor Trump’s Art of The Deal 101 class, and see how this all shakes out.

The Diversity Scam

Is it just me, or are examples of diversity hypocrisy more plentiful than grapes at the Robert Mondavi winery?  Here’s a stunner I came across this week…Our favorite NY Lib Senator, Cryin’ Chuckie Schumer, actually admitted to voting AGAINST a federal judge nominee…BECAUSE…HE…WAS…WHITE.  Excuse me?  What?  Sadly, in Liberal Utopia, such action masquerades as “embracing diversity.”  For the rest of us normal Americans, though, this is outrageous and breathtakingly hypocritical.

In response, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) tweeted the following…“This is political correctness run amok. Voting against a highly qualified nominee because of the color of his skin does nothing to bring our country and nation together.  Frankly it is a massive step backward.”  What part of “judging someone by the content of their character, not the color of their skin”  does Chuck The Schmuck NOT understand?  

And therein lies the diversity scam…if you happen to be in the “conservative” camp in ANY way, shape or form…and you are Black, Hispanic, Female…doesn’t matter…not only are you NOT invited to the diversity party, but you are overtly attacked in the most vile way, and marginalized by Libtards all day long.  Sorry, but until that changes…and don’t hold your breath…the entire diversity movement is a complete sham as far as I’m concerned.  Diversity of thought doesn’t even enter the consciousness of the modern day book burners on the Left.  Disgusting.

And finally…

Oscars host Jimmy Kimmel, who has become quite the liberal mouthpiece for the out-of-touch Hollywood elite, once hosted a show with Adam Carolla on Comedy Central called The Man Show, which ran from 1999 – 2004.  One of the funniest damn shows I ever saw…but totally sexist and objectifying to women.  Ok, but did I mention how funny it was?  Anyway, every single show ended with a segment called, “Girls Jumping on Trampolines.”  Oh yeah…AND in bikinis.  I never missed an episode…I’m SO ashamed.

Anyway…if Kimmel were a conservative and had THAT show on his resume, he’d be a pariah. You know it…and I know it.  But hey, he’s on Team Lib, so they look the other way.  Just like they did with Harvey Weinstein…until they couldn’t anymore.  And let’s not forget this is the same putrid crew that gave Roman Polanski, who pled guilty to raping a 13-year-old girl in 1977, fled the U.S. before sentencing, and has been a fugitive ever since…a standing ovation for winning a Best Director Oscar in 2003.  And many in Hollywood inexplicably continue to defend and normalize this scumbag.  Pathetic.

#MeToo?  Yeah.  Sure.


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